To Love Ru Darkness hentai doujin [English] : Kindan No Mikan Vol 2, by Tora Machine

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By oliver_the_admin on 13 comments
Tags: to love ru

Momo <3 Love that girl !

In order to make his loli younger sister jealous, the male hero of To Love Ru Darkness, Rito, engages in very energetic daily sex relations with Momo, an older and much-better looking girl living at his place. Yep : it’s to make his loli sister jealous the male hero gets to sleep every night with a total babe. That doesn’t make sense, but well, at least, this doujin features a lot of Momo having sex, and that girl is good :D
Fair warning, there’s like 5 pages with Mikan, the loli sister, in the end.

Thanks to Doujin-Moe’s Raikoh for the release !
By the same artist, I also share Mezase Rakuen Keikaku 1Mezase! Rakuen Keikaku vol. 5, Colorful Lala, Trouble Teachers, Trouble Teachers Volume 5, Trans H, Bathroom With Momo and That’s Not The Level Of Indecency.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(21 MB, 42 pictures, English)

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12 years ago

You really seem to like images of the To-Love-Ru girls going doggie style, Oliver.

12 years ago
Reply to  ???

Pretty sure Oliver just likes doggy style in general.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Doesn't everybody? ;)

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Hoooooooo yeah, I love it =)

When you can hold a girl's hips, enjoy the curve till her nape, caress her nape, caress her lips and share a mutual understanding and mutual satisfaction glare, then seize the excess skin around her butt and caress it lovingly, using it to impress faster momentum, all along pouding her, these are the sweetest moments of life =)

12 years ago

I realized this when everything you posted today was in that position.

12 years ago

where is volume one? or is it one of those other shares he mentioned?

12 years ago
Reply to  Jasta85

It's loli. I'd link you to it, but I'm pretty sure Oliver wouldn't like that.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

All they need to do is copy/paste the title into a search engine, and put a "1" instead of a "2". Well, those people who are into loli and stuff. *cough*

12 years ago
Reply to  Zathael

How do you think I found out it was loli? :V

12 years ago

Thanks to Raikoh for another great choice. Thanks as well for sharing this Oliver.

12 years ago

translated by: Wrathkal

12 years ago

All download links are down. Deposit Files, Rapidgator, and Bitshare return with File not Found related errors. Filehost ink returns with "Download limit for this file has been reached." Not sure if it costs anything to "Register" there. Both gallery links still work.

4 years ago

Man, you’re really hard on Mikan. I think she’s a very cute character, the loli part is the only thing that gets me. But then again, Rito himself isn’t much older than Mikan (I think there’s a couple of years difference between them).