True Makoto [English], by Ishino Kanon

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By oliver_the_admin on 6 comments
I fear the day gender bender becomes too mainstream, what will come next ?

A violent boy rules his school, however, once he turns 17, just like his mother (I can even hear guys puking from here), he becomes a girl. The next time he got into a fight, he didn’t get the upper hand, and hentai rape followed.
Sounds legit.


Well, gender bender fans should love it, at least, so thanks to Alaric and Baaw ^^
I made a very quick fixing of the pictures, to adjust a bit the levels and surfaces, that was the hentai geek note.

By the same artist, I also share Onee-chan Ga Onii-chan.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(10 MB, 20 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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General Hentai
General Hentai
12 years ago

We need a lower rating than "1" lol.

"Your Honor, I present exhibit 57,981,652 as to why Japan is in negative population growth and might be extinct by 3011."

General Hentai
General Hentai
12 years ago
Reply to  General Hentai

Oh, and I call bullshit on any gender bender title that doesn't have some disclaimer that the protagonist had locked herself in her room for the first 4 weeks after becoming a girl, emerging only for food and refills of her gallon sized jar of lube.

12 years ago

Ha ha as much as I want to be mad at you for posting gender benders, I can't because I love the futa you post, too. So, in fairness, Thank You good sir, for your affirmative action posts, even if I don't particularly like this one =)

12 years ago

Hmm… i still dont undertsand why people hate gender bender genre. Most of them go nuts on futanari. Oh whatever… It's still a fapable stuff you got there.

Ravik Valkei
Ravik Valkei
12 years ago

I find gender bender oddly to be my favorite genre of hetai. However I admit I can only give this one a 2. It was semi funny, but I must admit, the overal manor it played out, was sub-par to many others I've read. Still, I had a good chuckle at the end, so that should count for something.

12 years ago

I actually really like gender benders, the 'dafuq' aspect to it really turns me on for some reason