Otonashi-kun To Gyakuro-san [English], by Takayaki
There is no scenario, we have a girl so cute it should be illegal (some may say it IS illegal, she might not be 18 *cough*) having sex with a classmate on the rooftop.
This is the usual hentai : no need for foreplay, no first time pain, immediate pleasure, boy’s a quickshot but he comes back for more at once, ending with the pro-natality obligatory creampie.
There is happy sex, love, total cuteness, the only things I could ask is for a decensoring and 200 additional pages
Credits are for The Individual Eleven, thank you very much
For more delicious hentai, see The list of ALL TakayaKI’s works on Hentairules!
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(11 MB, 16 pictures, English)
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this one is good It would be nice if they continue release more……..if more chapters are release
Takayaki really knows how to make cute heroines, right?
I think this could have worked just as well, if not better, as a serialised SFW romance.
Only the filehost link is working.
EDIT: Scratch that, Filehost too is out. Keeps giving me a "fatal error".
Tayaki makes everything good, usually not into this cute school girl thing, I like them hot! But Tayaki continues to push my buttons =).
Hey Oliver, very off-topic, but JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure will have a new TV anime called "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure The Animation". and also a game called "JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All Star Battle." And now you know. Unless you already know? LOL
Good grades never got me laid
The reason for the painless sex was probably because she was no virgin. Which I'm totally OK with
like this one. i think it would be a good time to update the total pack too. fyi
I am one of the girl visitors on your site.
I wanted to say, I appreciate the more detailed tags lately, but as a request, please mark harbour-shota/loli stuff as well. Quite some people get grossed out by in cest and shota/loli stuff.
You do have a tag now, but the above one is really way too loliesque. so I don’t know where you draw the line, but it would be really helpful and greatly appreciated, if you could label/tag such things more clearly (and all the time), especially when you cannot see how young the protagonists look from the preview thumbs (clickinng on them sometimes is shocking to say the least)
thank you a lot!
Hi Satsuki,
I'll need to give clarifications and give you a background too :
– I'm good willing, I'm sure you'll agree, heck, I even PAID to have coded a working tags plugin for my blog
– but my problem is TIME, TIME, TIME TIME TIME Finding 90 minutes to spend on my blog, every day, is very hard. My kids, work, red tape (hoping it's the proper word), real life, friends, leisure, my wife, and all the unexpected shit, it eats away all my time. I have always been a productivity freak (if you guys saw me preparing my shares, you wouldn't believe a human can achieve h-shares so fast lol), but there are limits to productivity, my breaking revolution last month was a way to save in total five additional minutes per day.
– in that context, the only condition I could add a tags system was this was a system in which the visitors add tags THEMSELVES. For the benefit of everyone. If I must scrach my head during 2 minutes at the end of every post to know what tag to chose to add, that'll be 8 lost minutes.
I'll post reminders that the users must tag stuff themselves, and think of a way to write it more clearly at the bottom of the posts.
Sorry if it's a hindrance for you, but it's the best system I can come up with
Well, he DID say "(some may say it IS illegal, she might not be 18 *cough*)" in the blog post…