Puella Magi Madoka Magica hentai doujin [English]: Yellow 2 Happy, by Handsome Aniki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Puella, with happy un-fucked up sex ? I must be dreaming.

Errr… Pardon me ? How can a Puella doujin NOT be totally fucked up ?!?
Here, the heroine, one of the Puella girls, is having happy lovey dovey sex with the boy she loves. And that’s all there is to say, if you like the idea of a hot blonde teen with nice breasts (very big but slightly falling : the natural kind of large tits, not helium-filled as in some mangas) and an almost candid face having “normal” (the usual stuff, haha) sex, well, go for it, and thanks to Cgrascal :)

By the way, isn’t she the one who gets beheaded, I wonder ? That’s the only Puella scene I ever saw, lol, for the rest, summaries were enough to convince me I’d have branded it as “disgusting disturbing shit” if I had tried to watch it :roll:

For MORE, see The list of Asuhiro / Handsome Aniki’s works on Hentairules!

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12 years ago

Yes. This character got beheaded.

12 years ago
Reply to  Hyo

yep.. I still remember… OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM xD

12 years ago

lol Oliver, you really got to watch the show. You don't know what you are missing by skipping it. Urobuchi's works are amazing

12 years ago

Madoka is no more disturbing than most of the stuff you get on here. Or the stuff you get sent d:

12 years ago

She is a human sacrifice to creating a trend for this anime.

If the producer honestly tell people about what exactly type of this anime is, It will be less less popular.

It's a good anime. But not that good as many people may said. ;)