Shall we play Tag ? ;)
Hi everyone
I wanted to ask you something… Please, can I leave the tagging of my shares to YOU ?
I’ll explain
– To be frank, I’m always fighting with time, there are too many things in my life, and I can’t afford to spend more time on my blog than I already do
– And yet, I added a Tags system to my shares,
– This tag system is custom-made, meaning :
YOU, the visitors I love, you can add tags YOURSELVES
I chose this system (I paid to fund its development) because I’m sure I can trust you guys and girls to do my job in my place, frankly
The tags system will receive improvements in the future, with autosuggest, Ajax loading and autoreplacement (like “Futa” auto-renamed as the other “Futanari” tag), and maybe displaying a tag’s score, to make its removal harder if many people vote on it (at the moment, 3 negative votes have a tag removed).
-> You can add tags to the posts yourself
-> You can click the “minus” button to vote for a tag to be removed, 3 votes and *poof* a wrong tag is gone
Please, can you do the tagging for me ? That will help everyone
Thanks a lot if you can !
Great idea as long as they are moderated in some form to keep from things getting tagged with garbage like I've seen on some other sites.
I usually do this on Danbooru so it’s no problem for me. Assuming I feel like it.
I think that’s the point: it’s self moderating by crowd sourcing. If the posts on this site are any indication, most people seem pretty civil here so I doubt there will be many problems.
If the site's traffic statistics are correct, most people just arrive, download and leave.
the only proble with this (until we have the autosuggest ) we also need a "tag cloud" or "tag pool" to see what tags the site already have to avoid repeating them
could we have the search via tag replace the old search plugin. The old search don't work very well
Works fine when you use quotation marks.
Also, you can see all of the posts with a specific tag by clicking the tag on any post. That displays all posts with that given tag.
For example displays a bunch.
Soooo, I just found out I can remove tags. Awesome.
I think we should be able to LOCK tags so they cannot be down voted, Oliver. That way stuff we know are correct cannot be removed by someone who's trolling.
A good idea, but I think it would be a stopgap measure until tag scores and such are implemented.
Nah, it's better off being permanent. "Oh hey, that 'This is Important' tag was only upvoted once, now I know to just use four proxies and it'll be gone forever. TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO :3"
Or alternatively "Oh noes! That 'wasted post' tag I added is almost about to get deleted! Uguu!! LET'S OPEN A BUNCH OF PROXIES AND STOP THAT FROM HAPPENING :D"
…Well, you get my point, right?
You still have the other side of the coin. Somebody makes an incorrect tag and uses proxy to upvote it enough to make it permanent.
That was why I gave the "wasted post" example :/
Would be nice if it logged who added what so we could ban them, though :3 (Or does it do that already and I just can't see it? :T)
LOL! Let the arguments begin! OK, the only problems I see are A) The hazy and/or contested understanding of what NTR really constitutes, and when it's only cheating. And B) Guys like me having to wait for someone to 'pull the trigger' as it were. I depend on Tags to prevent me from reading stuff that pisses me off … I read hentai for the sex, and for fun. I don't need reminders of how crappy the human race is. If i want to rage I can read a newspaper…
I agree. The NTR vs. only regular cheating will be a problem.
I think this new tag system is a great idea. Especially that its community based, and the voting system. As always keep up the great work!