The World God Only Knows hentai doujin [English] : Lets Have a Good Clean Fight!, by Chikugen (aka Chikutakudoh)
@DurpHurp here.
I planned on posting a Touhou doujinshi today, but then I realized a couple images were named wrong (I’m anal retentive) and I was able to find the name other groups use for the mangaka (Kusojijii translated the dude’s name).
That’s fine and dandy, and quite easy to fix (took like 2 seconds?), the only problem is now I don’t have link that’s attached to Kusojijii’s Bitshare account
So I can’t share it until he gets back… Here’s hoping someone else doesn’t translate it before then. But considering it original came out in 2009 and still isn’t translated, I doubt anyone will be doing it. ┐(´ー`)┌
And so here’s a TWGOK doujin. I started reading the source material after Bakuman finished, I’ve enjoyed it so far so I recommend you go check it out as well. Although I can’t help but feel like it’s days are numbered…
If you haven’t read the manga/watched the anime and plan to, do not read this doujin. This is an alternative version of an actual scene from the manga/anime, and reading it could possibly spoil yourself on the actual story.
Anyway, now with that spoiler alert out of the way… This is apparently an alternate take on Katsuragi’s capture of Kusunoki. If you recall, Kusunoki’s problem was that she couldn’t/wouldn’t embrace her feminine side, despite deep down in her heart she wanted to. Obviously the best way to make a girl think she’s a girl is to stick a nice, long, thick and hard cock inside her, then have it ejaculate into her womb, amirite?
This release is brought to you in part by the letter “L”, which stands for “Life4Kaoru”. It’s also brought you by the letters “N” (Nandeyanen), “D” (Derek) and another “L” (LS).
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(10 MB, 19 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1
And before someone says “WHAT THE FUCK HURPDURP, YOU’RE SWITCHING TO A NEW HOST AGAIN!?”, not really. FileHost is not doing PPD anymore. It’s going to be PPS strictly. They’ve opened up another site that will be strictly PPS, FileCloud. It’s the same site… But you have to register again… I’ll be replacing all of my uploads on to later.
Why is it my posts always end up being so long? I never notice they're a tower until after I look at the finished product…
Oliver i found interesting website, all post same as hentairules, i wanted to send a direct message to your twitter but twitter not allow me to do that -.-
What site are you talking about? << another hentairules ?……
thanks hurpdurp so that was autoleech +1 sign add
I'm not sure about Oliver, but I'm okay with this. That guy doesn't even change the URLs so it's free advertising for HentaiRules and moar downloads for me. :T
FileCloud is very fast.:D
Don't know if you are a fan of Adam Warren's, Empowered series. But if you are… Here is the latest.
Empowered 7
by Adam Warren
note: File comes in the .cbr format. If your computer can not handle this format, like mine. All you have to do is… down the file. Then rename/change the extention, to .rar or .zip. Before trying to open.