To Love Ru Darkness volume 3 [English, TANKOUBON SCANS], + the volumes 1-3 in another Zip file [English, 675 pictures in perfect tank quality]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 19 comments

Come on, confess, you want to fap to this :D

Please allow me refresh your memory if needed :)
Anti Aging Anon has undertaken a great project, to edit the Japanese high quality tank scans of To Love Ru with the translation that was made for the earlier magazine scans. I helped with the proofreading.

With a bit of delay (honestly ? I had completely forgotten to send my text file with the list of notes, I’m to blame ^^), here is the TANKOUBON version of To Love Ru Darkness, volume 3, featuring more ecchi than before, less censorship than before, making it the most arousing manga sold in an “all audiences” publication ever :D

The differences between the tankoubon scans and the magazine scans, for To Love Ru Darkness at least, are simple as day : better resolution (usually 1200 px versus 1600 px), artistic bonus pages, better image quality, sometimes even less censorship, and sometimes slightly changed details.
In this regard, Anti Aging Anon observed a difference between the magazine and the tank. In the tank, Kotegawa is clearly pregnant on page 208, while this isn’t the case in the magazine scans. He’s got the eye for this O_o

Credits are for CXC Scans for the translation (done by Cmertb, thank you SO much for the job done you by and your team !) and Anti-Aging Anon, thank you !

I share 2 zips. First : the volume 3. Second : the volumes 1-3 repacked together.

The volume 3

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(102 MB, 211 pictures, English)

The volumes 1-2-3 repacked together

Galleries for each of the volumes :
Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3
And the backup galleries, since free images hosts aren’t that reliable :
Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3

Download the To Love Ru repack in a Zip file
(328 MB, 675 pictures, English)

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12 years ago

umm you do know that theirs 5 Volume complete right?

12 years ago
Reply to  katsu

No there isn't. The 5th volume isn't even out in tankōbon form yet in Japan.

And the only person doing the tankōbon scans is Anti Aging Anon, who has yet to release volume 4.

12 years ago

thanks for this share!

12 years ago

C'est peut-être pas du hentai mais c'est sympa de les poster ; ) C'est du To love ru quoi !! xD

12 years ago
Reply to  Pili

cé fou comme ca sonne fucker le francais de France… a comparer du bon vieux Qc XD

12 years ago
Reply to  katsu

Mdr ^^ ca fait la même chose en France ! Sauf que la plupart du temps on le comprend pas entièrement le Qc xD

12 years ago

Thanks for sharing this. I never read any of this until you started posting this series. I may have to go back and read some of the eariler series.

12 years ago

Hey Oliver, I recommend you posting this manga: virgin na kankei

Its borderline hentai.Really really good, story-wise and art-wise.

12 years ago

I didnt notice any difference between two my versions of To love ru on page 208. Can someone give me a hint?

12 years ago
Reply to  CharlieV

Well from what I remember, she is not pregnant in that page (correct me if I'm wrong).
Btw, anyone notice that the censoreship can be edited to make it an uncensored. If you look hard enough the line of the p*ssy is already drawn in the 'items' that is used for the censoreship.
Knowing this made my reading to a whole new level B)

12 years ago

Je viens justement de finir de lire ce même tome 3 en VF.
J'ai hate que Tonkam sorte la suite. (pas facile de résister à l'envie de lire la suite en scan ^^)

Mr. Olorin
Mr. Olorin
12 years ago

thank you

12 years ago

fourth volume is available here with the 3rd if anyone wants it.

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  Wendell

Watch it, it has the tank covers but these are the magazine scans.

12 years ago

Rapidgator link is dead for the 3 volumes. Could you reup please ?

Tutti Sounds
Tutti Sounds
11 years ago

Deposit File Links are all dead.

11 years ago

All links are still dead, is there any way these can get reupped?
I know this has been fairly 'takedown-prone' but would be great…

10 years ago

Dead link

10 years ago

any chance of getting this fixed , all links dead ,

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