Kagiana [English], the hentai manga + Doorknob Girl, the crazy 93 minutes long Japanese porn movie made after Kagiana [WTF WHAT THE HOLY FUCK LOL]
Frankly, I’m glad the Japanese have so highly original ideas, and I’m glad the people having such ideas reside in Japan instead of living next door to me
Kagiana is… well… A doorknob’s sexual life. There, I said it.
Before the stooges in white lab coats come to get me, I have to highlight, don’t blame me, you should instead push the blame (or the thanks !) on our dear Zathael and Biri
Worse, and in a pervy manner, better, there has been an official porn movie made after this manga !! Can you believe it ?!?
The movie is known as Doorknob Girl, with the actress Konomi Naruse.
I’m also sharing this movie, if you really have nothing better to do of your time, lol ^^
By Kondom, I also share The Original Bondage Fairies + Bondage Fairies Fetish (English, re-scanned HQ edition, 395 pictures) and The New Bondage Faeries volumes 1 & 2 [English, 340 pictures, re-scanned HQ edition).
Just the hentai manga
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(4 MB, 16 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
The hentai manga + the JAV Doorknob Girl
Zip mirror #1 – or – mirror #2 – or – mirror #3
(795 MB, 16 pictures in English + 1 hour 33 minutes JPN movie)
Maybe the info will be useful, I found this movie under the "sace086" name.
Psst … hey, bud – C'mere (come here). Wanna see a manga about a doorknob's sexual life?
Me (quite aloud): A DOORKNOB?
SHHHHH !!!!!
Me (whispering): A Doorknob?
:o o.0 :S o.0 :x
…I knew about and read the manga before.
But I didn't know about the movie version. W-what the fuck?
aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! ok whatever! Just Japan Being Japan!
hooray JAV a profusione many thanks Oliver
I first looked at the 3rd preview picture, nuff said LOL.
uhm, i liked this one, funny story
Awesome. Many thanx Oliver, Zathael and BB.
Thanks for this; I´ll start may day with some laughs!
what the hell was that lol.
what the bookshelf?
*hears moaning noise*
(points to those who get the childish reference)
And like usually, Japan teach me to be humble and never say "I already see everything to be seen in my life". o.0
My doorknob already broke two of my keys … damn frigid bitch…
You know, from now I will consider with much respect My doorknob… Can't believe I could lern a lesson of this type…. O_o
Thanks for the share. Bondage Faeries are one of my first hentai manga I got back in the 90's
First of all, thanks to biribiri for agreeing to translate this story. It is not every day that one like this shows up in his request list, I'm sure. Thanks as well to Oliver for sharing it here, and a big thanks for sharing the JAV as well. I know you normally only share uncensored JAVs here, but I'm glad you made an exception due to the movie being based on the story. I hope everyone enjoys this one.
And here I thought I've seen everything! <lol> I love this doujinshi, BTW. Such a heartwarming relationship. :3
I know I'm repeating what people are saying but..
I thought I've seen everything.
Anyone know the actress name?
kokomi naruse/cocomi naruse
i think
Hahaha funny, that changed my mind about my door lock !
could someone please make an alt torrent of this file because i just can't get it download no mater what -_- and ive tried 10 times but every time the download stops just before it finishes.
A torrent of the manga, or the video? The manga is available with a torrent via exhentai, and as for the video, just Google it.
I tried looking up what info i got jav doorknob and couldn't find any torrents so if you could give me a link to a torrent of the video i would apericate it because its really frustrating get so close again and again and it just gives out and i have to start over again -_-
That is where I got it. I hope the link works for you.
Thank you very much you dont know how much i appericate a way to download this that deosnt rely on my connection stanying up and runing for more then an hour lol.
Wow I read and I watched and I'm officially weirded out. Japan the country that truly stirs mixed feelings.
Even after living in Japan for years, I still get weirded out sometimes when I see things like this.
The thing that really confuses me is why the hell do they even bother censoring anything. Most the world makes us (USA) look like prudes and yet we don't censor most things.
It's a law.
Most mangaka and porn studios don't wanna end up with a 1.5 million yen fine like Suwa Yuuji, or jail time.
Your country censors breastfeeding mothers from appearing in public, for instance. I guess civil liberties remain OK as long as supermarkets aren't censored their freedom to sell ammunitions.
(platinum troll )
I know you're trolling, but no we don't. There are people who want it to be illegal (it technically IS indecent exposure), but as far as I or Google know, it has never been passed ANYWHERE. In fact, the exact opposite has happened, laws were made in several states that explicitly make it NOT indecent exposure. (Assuming she's doing it at a place she's allowed to be doing it at. If she pulls her titties out in a restaurant, it's up to the owner of the private business. She won't go to jail, but she may be politely asked to GTFO.)
Interner caution measure : I mean no harm, no insults and the like, okay ?
The fact you write it IS indecent exposure is, for a european like me, extremely shocking.
Think about it.
This is a matter of personal opinion, meaning both parties can either be right or either be wrong, there is no definitive truth.
I know.
But, still, there's nothing more natural than a baby being breastfed, and what is indecent is that some people will manage to pull indecency from their own souls at the sight of such a display of nature. In a European's eye.
Indecent exposure is "the deliberate exposure in public or in view of the general public by a person of a portion or portions of his or her body, in circumstances where the exposure is contrary to local moral or other standards of appropriate behavior".
Normally a woman doesn't walk around with her nipples hanging out and getting sucked, so it would therefore be "contrary to local moral or other standards of appropriate behavior", thereby making it technically "indecent exposure". But like I said, many states have passed laws EXEMPTING breastfeeding from indecent exposure (meaning it is legally NOT indecent exposure).
I can appreciate where the people against it are coming from, but that in no way means I agree with them.
This also does not change the fact that breastfeeding isn't censored in America in anyway either.
Hmm…comforting, I thought I was weird when I got horny seeing a question mark? Always think of a big breasted woman and a wet g-spot.
Hence, I'm always making love to the question(?) "Go away girl, you gon' embarrass me in front of the HR crew."
Thanks for the upload.