Senpai’s Sweet Archery Glove [English], by Igumox

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments
Fingers fetish. Never thought I'd see that day

I wasn’t expecting this, this is new to me, a FINGERS fetish. Did you already see it, elsewhere ? O_o

Apart from that original trait, we have a senpai in a traditional Japanese archery outfit having sex with her cute kouhai, the girl stays cute despite progressively revealing her hungry, predatory nature. Mind you, she wouldn’t predate on any boy, she targetted the one boy she wanted, the one she liked.
And happy sex follows.
Graphically, the magazine censorship is aggravating and stealing part of the joy, however the girl is cute and arousing as she is already, I think it remains a worthy share :)

Credits are for LustyLady00, DaffyD Ap Morgen and BlackRussian, from the Lusty Lady Project, a group I’m liking more and more as time passes :)

–Update: good news, this share has become obsolete, as it’s now part of a complete manga:
Boku Dake No Yuuyami (“Only My Twilight”, 205 pictures) :)

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Falso Amigo
Falso Amigo
12 years ago

Me like it :)

12 years ago

I think Igumox is the same person as Igumo Kusu, who did the 'Superior Cake' that you share here too. Look it up Oliver (:

12 years ago
Reply to  Femto

I just checked, and you are correct: Igumox and Igumo Kusu are the same person. Nice job spotting it.