Shoujo X Shoujo X Shoujo Episode 1, the Hentai Movie [English subs]
(That image gave me a wild idea : HENTAIMON ! Gotta catch and fuck’em’all ! Now, that’d be a worthy series to watch.)
I’m not too much into hentai movies, but this was too much of a nice opportunity, just when I shared Shoujo X Shoujo X Shoujo’s first half, made of a captivating complete story arc, Subdesu was releasing the DVD #1 made after this story, with English subs
So, here you are with the DVD-rip hentai movie version of Shoujo X^3, with my thanks to Subdesu-H !
My opinion : this is the typical hentai anime, so much censorship you’d want to have a time machine and an M4A1 in order to be able to shoot the American imbeciles who imposed censorship laws in Japan after WWII. As for the scenario, frankly, if I had not read the manga, with so much fast forwarding to avoid censorship and squealing, I doubt I’d have understood anything ^^;;
By the same artist, I also share Beautiful Girls Club (“Bisyoujo Club”) volumes 1-2 (Tank, 442 pictures), Lingua Franca (252 pictures, Uncensored), Isekai Harem Paradise Jou + Ge (407 pictures), Dorei Usagi To Anthony (uncensored, 243 pictures), Lovemare Jou (250 pictures), Lovemare Ge (242 pictures), Shoujo x Shoujo x Shoujo (213 pictures), Innocent ~ Shoujo Memoria ~ (202 pictures) and Moratorium Shounen X Shoujo.
Download links (303 MB) :
Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
There’s a second episode. It’s too loli to get posted here, but if you want it you can go download it from Subdesu’s hentai website. It contains lolis masturbating and getting raped. Please do NOT post a link to it in the comments.
Thanks Olive for this nice treat……….I like this and hopefully the second OVA we will be release someday……..don't know the release date xS
Just so you know, it is Article 175 of the Criminal Code that forbades genitals. This was added in 1907, long before the American occupation.
Many reasons to hate the Yanks, but this is one that was around before them.
Instead of shooting those specific Americans, just take the blueprints of a bunch of modern tech and give it to the Japanese. They were better than the fucking Americans anyways
agreed, but i am a american myself, and in my opinion, japan should have stayed neutral, it would've been better for all parties involved, although i do admit that it was japan's involvment in the war that caused the americans to get their asses in gear, and stop hitler, who would have benefitted if he just continued painting, therefore causing war to be averted in the first place
I am Chinese and I would like to disagree with the point that Japan was not bad.
Many thanx Oliver.
"HENTAIMON ! Gotta catch and fuck’em’all !" LOOOOOL
i prefer the paper version :/ some stuff is not feeling the same way in the animated version
Same here. But at least thank you Subdesu-H to take your time to translate this movie and Oliver for sharing it.
the manga version focusing more in story … while the animated version focus more in H scene …
"HENTAIMON ! Gotta catch and fuck’em’all ! Now, that’d be a worthy series to watch". LOL
I hope in this series, Ash don't let mostly girlmon escapes and nether loses almost every battle.
wow, a newer hentai movie I have not yet seen, and on no less, amazing things happen every day
I have no idea why, but when I saw the main character for the first time, I thought he looked a lot like Kyon from Haruhi.
Hey guys! There's a second episode of this translated now! It's too loli to get posted here, but if you want it you can go download it from Subdesu's hentai website. It contains lolis masturbating and getting raped (albeit, for only a minute each)