Heavily retouched version of a To Heart hentai doujinshi [English, now UNCENSORED] : Melancholic Heart, by Junpuumanpandou (Also Known As Hida Tatsuo)
A picture is better than a thousand words (especially when this is a porn pic, but let’s stay focused, pervs), so just check this before / after comparison : I made a LOT of retouching and image-per-image fixing
An internet friend asked if I could do something about this pretty good To Heart doujin, an oldie that has been recently republished at ehentai, and I think it was worth it
As for the story, this is nothing big, the male hero of To Heart and one of the heroines, the class rep, are a couple, and have great sex together under the pretence of sex-based dieting. The drawings make the whole interest of the book, a great girl with glasses, with great breasts, having vaginal and anal sex, performing quality paizuri, YUM !
And credits are for Saha, Son Dragon (from fmhentai.com) and Hazard, for the late doujin-world website, thanks with a few years delay
By the same artist, known as Junpuumanpandou (manga circle) or Hida Tatsuo (actual artist’s name), I also share Harapeko Cinderella, Kyun Harapeko Princess, Manpandou Tabechauzo and Limited For You.
Update : and now, thanks to JBRandom, the manga is UNCENSORED !
More precisely, here are the changes brought by JBRandom :
– Decensoring (like, obviously ?), with the removal of the massive blur-mosaics censorship and of the thick white bars
– Additional contrasts/brightness fixes (areas that were supposed to be white, that I had left with a faint dirty grey tone, were made white at last)
– Complete removal of the binding traces on the borders of the images (while, me, I had only removed it when it was too big)
– Creation of a credits page listing everyone
See my before / after, JBRandom version, it’s HUGE !
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(20 MB, 27 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Hottest Class Rep ever (can't seem to think of anyone else close).
A Tomoko doujin I've never seen before. Thanks for the upload.
Oliver, why haven't you tried out as a cleaner/redrawer for a scanlation group yet?
I realize you don't have time, but O doubt any would care if you can only do a half a page a day and take like the whole month to finish a manga if you're doing hq level editing.
Because it is horribly time consuming. I can allow myself NOT to finish projects or to give up on them, simply doing stuff when I KNOW I'll have the time, and when I finally give up on it nobody will even know I started it. But if I'm to do it for someone else, I'll be accountable for the results, I'll know that there is somebody, or a group of somebodies, waiting for me, with growing impatience… Brrrr
Well, my group is slowclave slow, so you'd fit right in :V
Awesome. Cute, funny and hot. Many thanx Oliver. Great retouching results.
I'm looking at the name of the artist. And the only way names like that occur in nature is you have egotistical families that refuse to shed last names, or you're giving a description of a town or situation. No way that name fits on a name tag. I can see the manager asking what name to put on the tag;
Manager: "What's your name again?"
Artist: "Junpuumanpandou"
Manager: "Yeah….I'm going to go with Bob."
Thus your ancestor or guy working at a min wage job had a cool 34-syllable magical name, Americanized into, "Bob."