RPG – Rape Playing Game [English], by Gen
Two girls take part in a cosplay session, except that only one of the knew this was (a) cosplaying eroge characters and (b) going to become an orgy anyway.
I take it you guessed the rest, hentai rape, followed by the hentai-raped girl wondering why she waited so long before enjoying this kind of ero time. Sigh.
At least, graphically, it was good, a strong-willed brunette with a beautiful body having hardcore sex (as far as DP), this is nice
This release was brought to us by Fated Circle and Raikoh, from Doujin-Moe, thank you
I rotated one of these pics, it looks WAY better, don’t you think ?
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(16 MB, 31 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
*At first, I wanted to make a different preview pic, that one :
But then I thought… Hey, let’s have fun instead, having fun is also a reason why I’m having Hentairules ^^
translated by: Fated Circle
Thank you
That picture of Woody is either too scary to contemplate (think Stephen King's "The Shining") or this photo just made me wet my pants for the next decade.
(Haven't decided which.)
This is simply a Woody doll, a real one, that was built with horrible specs, and whose pics became an internet meme, you know ^^