Just a note, for the USA citizens : don’t forget to vote, it’s today last delay ! :)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 62 comments
in Categories: Just Talking

 While I won’t meddle with the elections in Spain, Kazakhstan or Italy, the United States’ policy affects the world as a whole, sometimes in a good way.
(Update : I wrote a sort of continuation to this blog note)

So, please bear with the unavoidable reminder : hey American readers, don’t forget to go and vote, please :)

Remember the election of Bush junior ? 537 votes made the difference; only 537.
You can’t tell in advance if your vote won’t be the one making all the difference.

And, don’t forget, vote Romney !

Because the Bible is righter.
Because women can STFU and procreate.
Because global warming is a lie.
Because public health doesn’t matter, buy and die.
Because Big Oil still needs to receive MUCH more public subsidies than renewable energies.
Because international governance can fuck off.
Because science can STFU.
Because if the rich get richer, the poor will get poorer.
Because fuck you all, actually, that’s why.

(OK, that was trolling and highly biased of me.
I know the USA citizens will legitimately vote for internal affairs on top of all, and this is something upon which I claim NO expertise at all. Really not.
Let’s just say that as far as international affairs are concerned, , the whole rest of the world would prefer to see Obama reelected :lol: )


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11 years ago

Technically it's still tomorrow for us V:

11 years ago

yea! we should always vote for the bible righter party!

I vote for protection hentairules because if oliver does that so not funny FBI joke again…. i wasnt laughing until i realized it said "anti fap" warning

anyway i think obama or jill stein is pro-hentai candidate

11 years ago
Reply to  caelen

The joke is Democrats were the most with supporters of SOPA.

11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

The sad part is that for the most part these Democrats were bribed by lobbyists of the MPAA and RIAA.

11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Actually, both were rather equally supported. SOPA was sponsored by a Texas Republican, and PIPA by a Vermont Dem. You can't sling mud with that crap unless you hit both parties straight on.

The true supporters were the RIAA and the MPAA.

11 years ago
Reply to  ^____^

ORLY? The way I remember it: there were like 19 Republicans against it for every 1 Democrat who was against it. Then all of the Republican nominees publicly announced (starting with Paul Ryan) their disapproval of SOPA, at which point Obama was like "OH FUCK IF I DON'T SAY LOL NO I'LL LOSE MY JOB" so he publicly announced his disapproval, at which point all Democrats in Congress were like "OH FUCK IF WE DON'T SAY LOLNO WE'LL BE GOING AGAINST OBAMA AND THAT WON'T LOOK GOOD WITH THE ELECTION COMING UP".

But maybe I'm (and the 12 people who plus oned me are) wrong.

Also, Obama signed ACTA. So he clearly enjoys pirating like the rest of us. Clearly.

11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Again, if your business has enough money, you can pretty much buy your legislation. These politicians are old people who have no understanding of the internet and the empowerment it represents for the people. When the RIAA and MPAA knock on their doors with a bunch of money, these politicians will gladly listen to "people who seem to know their stuff" and defend the outdated business models that have ensured the monopoly of these organisations for the past 60 years.

I also recommend everyone to watch "The Lobbyist Playbook": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHiicN0Kg10

11 years ago

How about no as I cant stand or support either one. Obama is just as bad as Romney.. Especially his healthcare bill. Actually both political parties are fucked up.

Maybe it's time for an independent president but everybody knows it will never happen.

11 years ago
Reply to  OldandFedup

We need Ron Paul, he is a Libertarian Republican and he wants to do what most Republican and Democrat citizens want, but neither party wants to see him become president cause that radical son of a bitch will change every fucking thing. Lol…

11 years ago

After your statement "And, don’t forget, vote Romney !" basically sums up the ignorant liberal views held by the internet. That's also what young liberals are fed to believe as well. I'm not sure if you've realized this, but it looks like a majority of women from the states have the view of "Fuck you, Romney, I control my vagina." and "My control over my vagina takes precedence over our country's massive economic problem." I respect women's rights as well, but women that are selfishly using this logic and essentially putting themselves ahead of our country's recovery need to either educate themselves further or look at the bigger fucking picture.

Okay, Obama, I get that maybe 4 years wasn't enough to fix this mess Bush left behind, but take some damn responsibility. Stop playing the blame game. If he would stop once in a while and say "I take full responsibility for what happened." I'd have more respect for him. Like what happened with Benghazi. If he stepped up and said, "I take responsibility for what happened," I would respect him as a leader, but nope, Hilary Clinton was made to be a scapegoat in that. Sure, there was a little job growth recently, 0.01%, but when posed with the number 5.6%(which he promised would be the unemplyment rate), when it's actually 7.8% now, he won't say anything to the effect of, "I'm sorry I couldn't my promise."

"Hope and change." His 2008 campaign motto. I had so much hope and I believed that there would be change. I TRULY BELIEVED IT WITH ALL MY HEART. After these past four years, they were crushed and I am deeply saddened. It seems his little hope and change was only for minorities because I certainly haven't had any benefits.

11 years ago
Reply to  Disappointed

LOL YEAH! Women are so selfish voting to protect what the believe are civil liberties.
I mean, if there was a female presidential hopeful, who promised to ban viagra or male masturbation. I'm sure many males would decide to vote for her because they're not selfish.
I'm a straight male btw, but saying that women are selfish for voting for someone who will let them control their own bodies.
it's also like saying 'come on gay people, i mean, i know that you're almost second rate citizens under romney, but stop being so damn selfish and vote for him.

11 years ago
Reply to  douche

On a slightly related note, they wanna make it against the law to fuck without protection (for both genders) in California on camera for all sexual acts. That includes vaginal sex, anal sex, blowjobs, handjobs, masturbation, footjobs, tittyfucking AND gay and lesbian intercourse.

I mean seriously, COME THE FUCK ON. They have to wear fucking gloves to jerk men off. HOW IS THAT EROTIC? And now I can't even see creampies anymore (even though 99.9% are fake)!


Actually, the voting is tomorrow too. If you live in Los Angeles (the only place where it currently is) vote NO on Measure B plox.

11 years ago
Reply to  douche

It's not exactly "Women" but definitely feminists that I have a problem with in this area. I don't know if you've heard of the intense feminist culture that has been taking over in Sweden, but I sure don't want to see a culture start to abide by that. There's a limit. They have made laws to where you must have at least 40% of your CEO's be women in a company, they've removed urinals from bathroom stalls because they see an inequality.

It's something that I fear that can happen in minority catering countries, just like America. I have no problems with giving everyone equal and fair enterprise, but it's when fulfilled agendas arrive that scare me the most.

11 years ago
Reply to  Avio


The law that 40% of the top management must be women is in Norway. There has been suggestions to introduce it in Sweden, but it has not passed.

I still see urinals wherever I go. It was a (nother) stupid suggestion from the Social Democrats which didn't pass.

That being said, Sweden really is the Saudi Arabia of feminism. A good example (which are actually true) is that it's illegal to buy sex, but it's legal to sell sex.

11 years ago
Reply to  douche

Yes, actually, women that use that form of logic are being selfish. REALLY NOW. You can't fucking put that aside for four years to elect another president? You're only thinking of yourself and not the bigger picture. "OH YEAH, HERP DE DERP, I CAN CONTROL MY VAGINA! BUT THE COUNTRY IS $20 TRILLION IN DEBT NOW. OH WELL, I HAVE CONTROL OVER MY VAGINA. FUCK THIS COUNTRY." That's beyond motherfucking moronic. Laws are always challenged and subjected to change. Roe v. Wade is not an exception.

11 years ago
Reply to  Obama

I would explain to you how international debt works, but with your use of capslock I can tell it would be a waste of time. It would be like attempting to educate a baboon on the finer points of Kant's Ethics.

To say the least, I am certain you have no clue how it works.

11 years ago
Reply to  Disappointed

Kind of hard to make good on a promise when the GLOBAL economy is still in the tank. Obama couldn't blame the true cause of our continued slow growth because the average American simply cannot grasp it. I'm not pro Demo or pro Repub. I'm pro American and if the Repubs could put forth a candidate that won't take away women's rights, put women in binders, legitimize rape and tell women to "relax and enjoy it" then maybe I could vote Repub. Anyone aligning with Trump or Rush simply cannot have my vote. Anyone naming my retired mom and dad as member of the lazy, loafing 47% simply cannot have my vote.

11 years ago

I love how foreigners who know nothing about American culture or politics feel the need to incessantly interject their opinions on the subject. I don't think Europeans are in any position to give advice or lecture Americans on economic growth, human rights, or "international governance".

I am truly amazed by this foreign love affair with Obama. Americans themselves, even those who support the man, are not nearly as enthusiastic with his policies or results. The same people who once criticized and despised Bush for his foreign interventionism and "cowboy diplomacy" are silent and amnesic as President Obama has continued or expanded those very same neoconservative policies albeit with gentler more Eurocentric rhetoric.

Chronic high unemployment, record deficits, anemic economic growth, divisive domestic agenda, and a directionless foreign policy. Four more years? No thanks, how about four more hours until I vote the man out of office.

11 years ago
Reply to  Progress?

I'll tell you what, when US politics stops effecting rest of the world, we'll stop complaining about them.

11 years ago
Reply to  Woodeye

If the problem were only their politics, it wouldn't be as bad as it is.

Right now the biggest problem for the whole world is how most international companies work, not only those from the US. For example, exaggerating a lot, they do like that company in Robocop.

11 years ago
Reply to  Woodeye

Tell you what, when the rest of the world stops screwing it up, we'll stop stepping in a trying to fix it for you. Deal?

11 years ago
Reply to  Tsuchida

Strange how only countries that products oil seems in need of fixing.
Who cares about mass murders in Darfur, ethnic cleansing in the former Jugoslavia etc etc… right?

11 years ago
Reply to  Tsuchida

Tell me when the US truly begin to help anyone, without looking for their own profit. :D

11 years ago
Reply to  Progress?

This is how the Republicans operate, by preying on an ignorant electorate. Note the following quote.

"Chronic high unemployment, record deficits, anemic economic growth, divisive domestic agenda, and a directionless foreign policy. Four more years? No thanks, how about four more hours until I vote the man out of office."

Item 1: Unemployment at 7.9%, a bit high, yes. However jobs are being added.
Item 2: Deficit created by predecessor, Obama has been the lowest spending president in many many years, to before Reagan.
Item 3: Anemic Growth? Dow Jones is over 13,500. The record set pre-2007 was just over 14,000. So Anemic growth is BS.
Item 4: Divisive Agenda was brought about the GOP who on the day of his inauguration decided to make him a one term president no matter the cost. The 2010 Teaparty Congress with its recalictrant attitude has only made things worse. It has been the right that has been Divisive.
Item 5: I'm not even sure what the bloody hell you mean… He's been a more capable foreign policy president than his predecessor who wanted nothing to do with foreign policy (Bush Jr. stated as much while in office prior to 9/11).

11 years ago
Reply to  Ghetorix

Yes, 'some' jobs are being created by the private sector. You could say the same during periods of the Great Depression that there was 'some' job growth. That is not to say however that unemployment was good or acceptable during either the Great Depression any more than it is now. Furthermore if you look at the underemployment numbers the real unemployment is much higher, anywhere from 15-20% depending on which studies you look at. However you want to spin the data the facts speak for themselves, despite the Obama Administration projections, policies, and record deficit spending "stimulus" legislation we have had chronic high unemployment, period.

Let me correct you again. The average of deficits under Bush were around 600 billion annually compared to an average of 1.3 trillion under President Obama. Under the Obama Administration we have seen an increase of the national debt by over 6 trillion dollars in less than four years, that is over a trillion dollars more than was spent under Bush in 8 years. Our current President promised to cut the deficit in half when he took office and instead he has built and increased off of the already record deficits under Bush.

11 years ago
Reply to  Progress?

As we can see from the unemployment numbers wall street growth does not always equal growth on main street.After billions and trillions of dollars of "stimulus" spending our national GDP growth has been stagnating at around 1%, record low for post recession recovery. Additionally median household income is down 8% since Obama took office. You may call this growth but I certainly don't.

I guess this goes back to the old question of what came first: the chicken or the egg? Personally from the very beginning it seemed apparent that President Obama had no intention of working with Republicans. I can still recall anecdotally when early in 2009 Obama replied to Republican Congressional leadership "I won" as justification for huge one-sided imbalances in proposed legislation. For his first two years in office the President worked exclusively with his filibuster-proof Congressional majorities, ignoring the objections and input of Republicans, and then when losing said majorities he is surprised by the gridlock? The American people gave their thoughts on on Obama's "bipartisanship" and record in 2010 when they elected Republicans in one of the largest Congressional swings/victories in almost a hundred years.

11 years ago
Reply to  Progress?

Well for President Obama wanting nothing to do with Bush's foreign policy he has an odd way of showing it. We are in involved in more conflicts now in the Middle East, as well as spending more on defense, than we were when President Bush was in office. More US troops in Afghanistan, increased drone bombings in Pakistan, invading Iranian airspace, praising the Islamic awakening in Egypt after previously supporting Mubarak, arming Syrian rebels with no accountability or safeguards, and assisting in the destabilization of Libya. The Obama foreign policy is just the Bush foreign policy but with greater inconsistency and nicer rhetoric.

Change indeed.

11 years ago
Reply to  Progress?

First, the problem with your comment is that we know how it works in the US way better than you think. At least most of us, of course :)

Second, we don't like Obama, we think he is the less bad one of the two.

Third, i won't comment more about what you say. It would become flaming, trolling or anything else instead of a conversation.

11 years ago
Reply to  Coce

>First, the problem with your comment is that we know how it works in the US way better than you think. At least most of us, of course

Not according to the last political post Oliver wrote.

11 years ago

We have two choices:
reelect a man who tries his best and did some improvements, or elect another who will take us years back on every level.
Those who see the big picture know that none of the 2 candidates will miraculously solve everything. There can only be slow progress, and one has already proven that he can do it.

11 years ago
Reply to  Nico

Or don't vote.

11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Well, that is a choice, lol

11 years ago

The problem is that voting doesn't count for much for a Presidential ballot. All of the other elections do of course so you can make your case there, though even for Senators, they're trying to get a bill passed that the populace vote will not elect them either. It's all up the the Electoral college and whatever they decide. We've seen in the past that even if the popular vote wins out, the Supreme court takes the right to decide away from the people and just favors who they believe should be in office. Will I vote? I don't know, I guess, but it just feels deflating knowing that my vote really doesn't count for much. It's not that there's a grudge that the candidate that I vote for doesn't win but that literally anyone that anyone votes for does not matter. It's the way our government was set up and it's the way that it always works out. The fact that you can vote does not mean it really has made a difference. Not one vote, not a thousand votes, not ten thousand votes will make a ripple big enough to really change the face of the political system in America.

11 years ago
Reply to  Avio

Yeah, there's not too many that know this either. There are millions of Americans that don't even know about the electoral college and how it works.

11 years ago
Reply to  Avio

Millions of Americans, I'd say don't know anything about the electoral college and how it works.

11 years ago
Reply to  Jez

Did you know? That in order for a republican can win presidency, he has to win all the of states that are considered neutral/swing states, by the electoral college, the amount of votes the usual democratic states, they have more electoral votes than the usual republican states. So if in Texas, 100,000 people turn out to vote and they go republican, the Romney will get 38 electoral votes. Where as if 10,000 people turn out to vote in California, and they go Democrat, Obama will get 55 electoral votes. California alone has more electoral votes than Texas, Mississippi, and Alabama. This system has some serious issues…

11 years ago
Reply to  Azimuth05

California has a much larger population. The electoral system is distributes votes by population size. The only problem with the system is that so many people don't vote. Systems based on voting only work when people vote.

11 years ago

Oliver, I don't think you know what you're saying when you say "537 votes." What determines presidency is not the popular vote. Not 537, but 538 electoral votes determine the presidency here. Each state gets an alloted number of electoral votes toughly based on population, determined by the US census. Ohio, based on its population gets 18 electoral votes for example. However, this isn't quite fair because all states, no matter how small get 3 electoral votes. So a small state like Hawaii gets 4. Anyway, now comes the tricky part.

48 out of the 50 states use a winner-take-all system. Meaning, whoever wins the popular vote, gets the electoral votes from that state. So let's take California for example. They get 55 electoral votes. Let's say the popular vote is 51% to 49% in favor of Obama over Romney in that state. Obama would get all 55 of California's electoral votes. Hence, winner-take-all. Only Maine and Nebraska, I believe, don't follow this, and allocate their electoral votes by congressional districts or something. To attain presidency, a candidate needs 270 electoal votes. What if there's a tie? It's complicated, so I won't explain that. So this system's flaw is that is doesn't truly represent the people's voice. In my California example, those 55 votes that would go to Obama would not represent the vote. The 49% from that example pretty much voted for nothing.

This system is kept because it's in our constitution. But, it's flawed. Bush beat Gore in 2000 in electoral votes, but not the popular vote. And now look where we are.

This was just to enlighten you, so you understand that "537 votes" more.

11 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Maybe he was referring to how many votes Bush won to take Florida during the 2000 election to carry the state leading to his victory?

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Guest

At last some common sense, thank you :)

11 years ago

from the amount of likes and dislikes going around, it seems like the majority of Hrules visitors are pro-romney. This is amusing.

11 years ago
Reply to  Fez

Perhaps not exactly that, but sick enough of Obama to want a different person running the country.

11 years ago
Reply to  Fez


11 years ago
Reply to  Fez

Not surprising since there has been statistical evidence to show that (in the US) the highest consumers of porn are in Red States. This is even more true for gay-porn.

11 years ago

LOL, i was reading this and thinking; "oh how nice he is encouraging voting. Romney?? wait what- oh it was a joke okay okay the world makes sense again."

John Creek
John Creek
11 years ago

Either way it goes, the Prez will still have an uphill battel with everyone in Washington DC, before he can do anything good. And then there is all the issues, that the US Citicens wont face headon.
Unemployment, Homelessness, Inviroment, Deficit, Terror, Religius zellots and God hnows what else in that order.
Point One. Create 7 milion jobs. Build a Pyamid or something else in that size.
Point Two. People with 7 milion paycheks will need homes, cars, things, stuff and pay tax.
Point Tree. Let people buy a lot of green tecnology, that creates more jobs.
Point Four. People must pay tax to pay the deficit, more taxpayers actual equals less tax pr. taxpayer.
Point Five. Start making more frinds or kill everybody else litteraly. Make love not war.<3
Point Six. God is God and he has the last word. That is You shall die. So have fun while you wait.

11 years ago

ITT: Everyone who forgot to download fap material and is spewing halfbaked liberal/republic ideas.

11 years ago

I'm getting my fapping and political material all in one place. Nice +

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  TanGirlsFTW

Just you wait, I'm preparing a second pack of political trolling ^^

11 years ago

shame im not a citizen here(despite living here for 4+ years now, damn papers)

so yeah go vote!!

btw if i may ask Oliver are you in US right now or another place?

11 years ago
Reply to  princeheir

Oliver lives in France.

11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

does Oliver speak French as well??

his english is definitely great, i have to wonder if there's any other language he knows :)

11 years ago
Reply to  princeheir

English is his second language. I can't tell you if he knows a third or fourth, he'd have to do that himself.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Well, I have vague notions of other languages, but not enough to engage in a conversation, so let's say : just French and English.

11 years ago

Dude, you have as much expertise, maybe more, than most of the people voting today. Which scares me. It's a pity that more of the foreign people (from my perspective in the US) on the internet seem to be paying attention and motivating things than the actual citizens of this country.

Death to Europe
Death to Europe
11 years ago

Hey Oliver.

Go fuck yourself.

Then again, it's not surprising that you and most of the world prefer Obama; most of the world are fascist pigs, after all.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago

Yep, Heil Yurop !

11 years ago

Fascist ? Wait I'm lost now, I thought Obama was a filthy communist.

Kind of Odd
Kind of Odd
11 years ago

It's funny, because all of the reasons you stated to support Romney are actually reasons not to support him. And I think you know that. Clever fox, Oliver. Clever fox!

11 years ago

The entire nation can just go fuck itself. No matter who gets in, it is the rest of the world that loses. America will be the death of us all

11 years ago
Reply to  Mikelransom

No, that's China.

11 years ago

Gary Johnson and the Libertarian Party was the only correct choice