Mitsukete Secret [English], by Asuhiro

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments
Frankly, it's better if she's plump. Thin girls make a doggy fantasy, and after ? Bleh. Better have meat to grab !!!

Hooo, what a surprise, when the male hero’s female friend, who has a super large fringe hiding her face, turns out to be a total cutie underneath, and, what’s more, an idol ! (Me : «she’s almost chubby and has big hips – hey, I dig it ! but do models like that really exist ?») And now that common sense has been thrown to the pits, why should we be surprised the girl was carrying her minibikini to school ?

Thus, happy sex with love follows :lol:
Credits are for Om3gadalOh, thank you !

(Did you notice that girl looked like an older version of Love Hina’s Shinobu ?)

For MORE, see The list of Asuhiro / Handsome Aniki’s works on Hentairules!

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12 years ago

Cute ….. Real Cute. And sometimes that's good enough.

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
12 years ago

There are no busty model… are there?

12 years ago

Cute. Many thanx Oliver.

12 years ago

A gigantic D'aaaawww occurred reading this one. Great Share and thanks again.

10 years ago

Chapter 3 of Koiiro Oppai

10 years ago

huge fan of the site great stuff as a side note it seems this story by Asuhiro aka Handsome Aniki is the 3rd translated chapter in his Koiiro Oppai and I was wondering if you will eventually have this story repacked with the other English translated chapters? besides that keep doing what u been doing oh pervery sage. ; )

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  Okamisan

Hello there,

I have no knowledge of other related volumes. Do you mean they are ready for the take, already translated and all ? If that's a "yes", I'd be glad to take a look at them, and repack the hell out of them :3