Evangelion hentai doujin [English] : Mahou Shoujo Asuka, by Studio Wallaby
This is one of the most original and well-imagined Evangelion parodies I ever read
In this “world”, Angels trying to bring devastation are met by the magical girls and boys, riding broomsticks and wearing matching costumes, called Shinji (who plays a manly role, here), Rei (she only has two pages of sex, sob) and Asuka (tsundere like mad), while the witches Misato and Ritsuko, also riding broomsticks, watch from afar. And the synchronization training consists in having good sex with each other
We have tasty, fruity dialogues, good comedy, a crazy starting idea quite well developed, and – should I even mention it – decent sex ^_^ (Well, the drawings were above average, not great, but “enough”, let’s sa.)
I laughed a whole lot, and also like the hentai art, I definitely recommend you all that one
Thanks a lot, a whole lot, to Futa Risette, for this highly original release
By Studio Wallaby, I also share Hamerareta Erina-sama, Kimi To No Kiss, Servant Asuka, Charming Asuka, Trouble Musume Haruna & Ryouko, Onee-Chan Sensei Yojigenme 1-4 (154 pages long, and yet it is complete shit), To Love Rukko Momo & Nana (a jewel, that one), Submissive Heart 36, Ayanami Rei, Secret File 5 Next 5, Asuka No Toki and Ayanami No Toki.
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(17 MB, 39 pictures, English)
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Sans the sexual content, I could see this being a legitimate spin off series for Evangelion. With the popularity of Madoka not only in Japan but internationally it looks like magical girl anime is rocking the rating and wallets of fans. Thanks for the share.
Cute. Many thanx Oliver.