Touhou hentai doujin [English] : Ikasete Hijiri Byakuren Bonnou Kaihou, by Juggernaut
A young boy with excessive sexual zeal issues is introduced to Byakuren, a cheerful big-breasted Touhou heroine. Don’t ask me why, but he’s taken in charge, made to perform drastic training, and at last, his reward of the day comes, filling up most of the book I’m sharing :3 |
On top of all, I caught myself suddenly catching my breath, from surprised and pleased shock at how cute Byakuran was, or how erotic and well-drawn she was. That means quality in itself, surprising a hentai regular like me.
Let’s add she’s all cute and smiling all the time, in so many cute ways. And let’s end with a praise on how GOOD the drawings were, much better than most Touhou parodies.
Conclusion : unzip your pants ! *cough* – enjoy reading it, and thanks a lot to Cgrascal ! ^_^
By Juggernaut, I also share Shouta Kenshou Ha Oboetate.
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thanks so much for the DDL link!
You got me afraid with your DDL link mention, I was wondering if I had once again accidentally posted a link to my private backup place ^^