Monster Hunter hentai doujin [English] : Kou, by Kojima Saya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments
Possibly the most erotic fishnet I've seen so far :D

Fuke (from Fuke Translations) and Elia (from, bless them, brought us a fine share, a long and nice Monster Hunter parody, with great drawings, a good care for the details, and vanilla-type happy sex with love :)

Technically, the girl is supposed to be half-human, but it only means her hair is weird. And if you’ve got a fishnet fetish, rejoice ! :3
Initially, this work weighted 96 MB for 51 high res pictures, so I decided to offer you, in bonus, an alternative “average res” version, this time only 18 MB large :) I also used those smaller pics for the online gallery and previews.

By the same artist, I also share Tsundere Maid, Goshuujin-sama No Oose No Mamani (also with a maid) and, without maids but with a great scenario and great drawings, Electric Brain Waves Twin Girls… And, under the Yuriru Rarika pen name, there is Shujou Seikou and In No Miko.

And for more, don’t miss The list of Kojima Saya’s works on Hentairules!

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(192 MB, 51 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip mirror #2

And if you want a smaller version, sure, there you go, now only 18 MB !
Resized version : Zip mirror #1 – or – Zip mirror #2 – or – Zip mirror #3

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12 years ago

Pages 49 and 50 ….. me no want :@

The rest ….. AWWWW, ….. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
12 years ago

Also add works under his/her doujin circle Yuriru-Rarika, like Shujou Seikou [url ][/url] and In no Miko [url ][/url]

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago

Holy cow !

Excellent !

Thank you so much for the info, Kurzwaltz ! ^_^

12 years ago

I have to say, the whole "I love you" confession during sex is always kind of a turnoff for me. It always comes across as "I'm saying I love you just so I can stick my dick in you" even though it's fairly obvious it wasn't the case… it still bothers me.

But, after deleting that page it's pretty good =)

12 years ago

all of the 96 mb links are dead same with the 18 its all dead :( :( :(

12 years ago

yar they all down, anyway… is ther going 2 be a volume 14 for udonya's?

12 years ago

links down, reupload please

12 years ago

please re-up

12 years ago

all links are down. Please reupload