Socialization, everyone ? ;)
After Google Plus introduced its Communities feature, a Hentai community was created. For the moment, it’s a carefree discussion space, with a bit of link sharing and image posting, nothing big, but it’s fun nonetheless
It’s an “invite only” model of course, since these are adult contents.
Would you like to join ? Just contact me about it on my Google Plus page, and I’ll send you an invitation
And if you’re not into social networks like Facebook or Google Plus, at least, don’t forget I also have a twitter account, I tend to be much more responsive on twitter compared to email messages, also.
Lastly, there’s always the Chat page
Invite me :3
Duh, add me on G+ first. I can't invite people I don't have in a circle, and to add people in a circle, I must be aware of their existence, and for that, they have to add me first.
I did tho D: A long, long time ago.
Yeah it turns up I also have Oliver in my acquaintance list but I'm not sure how to find the group..
I thought I had sent an invitation to everyone in my acq. list ?
I didn’t get anything I don’t believe you added me to any of your circles when I added you original
If you need to find my account, it’s the email you usually send emails to, the display name should be “Hurp Durp” and it should be using this avatar.
If your G+ account is the gmail I used to email you at, you should be able to use that account to easily add me using one of my past messages.
Nope! I have 0 notifications.
Alright, I just unfollowed you and refollowed you. So now you should be able to find me D:
Apparently G+ doesn't sort followers by following date, I posted a note asking "who wants to be invited now"…
I don't see any posts from you on Google Plus since the 7th D:
If you type in my name ("Hurp Durp") in the search bar, I *might* be the first result. I was when I tried just now.
Alternatively, search "hentairules" because I put that as my job so it comes up with that too :V
OH SH ! They were not public -_-
Welp, got my invite. Too bad Google Plus sucks ass and doesn't allow anyone but moderators to invite members.
One does.
In my case :
– facebook under my real name.
– G+ and Twitter under my Oliver nick.
Actually, as I'm sure many don't actually know, the chat that is available on HentaiRules has had hentai be a subject of discussion quite a few times. Though as it was some time ago, regardless, I'm counting it. So, I find the situation amusing. Also, I figure, why the hell not post something. Reminds me of Oli's post that he made regarding, quote, "that this poor Brook feels lonely," end quote.
See here for lulz>…
By the by, Oli. I am STILL waiting on my car batteries and nipple clamps. Because again. Why the fuck not.
And as always, thank you, and you too HurpDurp, for the site and your posts upon it. Continue on and may HR never die.
Good point, I forgot to mention that, silly me.
BZZZZZZT!! – have some free watts passing through virtual nipple clamps as a reward.
No. Not watts through virtual nipple clamps. Years ago. You said would mail them to me. I shall always rant at you about that till I recieve them.
But in response to your watts through virtual nipple clam-alsd;hfASfaKSfj;alf…Thanks. <3
Don't listen to this guy. He doesn't know what he's talking about.