Gift [English, 201 pictures], by Akiyama Kenta
I was going to write that the best thing about this manga was its cover. A flaming redhead with a promising smile, her naked body wrapped in paper gift ? Fuck yeah !
And then, to my surprise, the manga turned WAY better than I thought. Call it bad luck, the preview pics I opened almost always gave me a wrong impression, and the half-bad impression I got from the chapters 1-2, that I read, had left me in doubt.
Actually, all the chapters, save a bit the shady beginning, deal with happy consensual sex, with mutual liking or love. They’ll sometime rely on kinky ideas, but then it only brings originality, not dread.
By the same artist, I also share Rhapsody With A Maid…
As for the drawings, they’re almost always oral + vaginal, with almost only highschool girls (one exception, the young adult female teacher having a double penetration.) The censorship is quite faint.
All in all, I think this is a very good piece to enjoy that we’ve got here, so thanks a LOT to Kusanyagi, Zathael and Wrldtrvlr !
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(125 MB, 201 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
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I'm a Kenta Fan, never knew why. And there are little translated works, don't know why either… Welll, thanks a lot!
You’r filehoster sucks. None of them are able to serve me with a bandwith over 150KB/s…
Hey man, if you know any other viable hosts, do tell.
And before you say it, Mediafire and Rapidshare aren't viable.
And besides…
And lastly, MF and RS receive a report about a copyrighted file ? Then ban the whole account and delete the files. Not with me.
Dude, Rapidshit has gotten even worse this past week. Now they limit the amount of bandwidth a single account can serve to his downloaders per day. So when that bandwidth runs out, no one can download anything you've uploaded at all.
I've been leeching from Oliver for a long time
and I'm grateful for his effort to provide us with all these fap materials
I believe: beggars can't be choosers
and if we want to request from Oliver or HurpDurp, it wouldn't hurt to ask nicely
and so with that in mind…
I want to say that the poster named "Sucks" is a bonafide DICK
Loved this( and I loved Rhapsody with a Maid when you shared that.) I kinda liked the first 2 chapters story. The one I disliked a little was the teacher/students one ( I dislike alienation/odd man out stories.)
Thanks for this release.
Really nice.
But… there are some gaps… missing pages or am I wrong?
i freaking love the cover
Akiyama Kenta is one of my faves
love Rhapsody with a Maid
thanks again oliver!!!!!!!!