Aural Ecstasy #3

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By HurpDurp on 55 comments

Hey guys, HurpDurp here! I cum bearing gifts of things for your ears.

Some stuff happened since the last post, most specifically the thing would make this the last post I’ll ever make!

… With my old earbuds. Ha-ha. I had you going there for a second, didn’t I? :3

Yes, that’s right! I got a new pair of earbuds, they’re called JBuds J6M High Fidelity. However this post is still the OLD pair of earbuds (they’re Sony MDREX40LP, by the way), but next time it should start with new ear buds, final destination! But keep in mind it took a couple of weeks to figure out which earbuds felt the best in my ear. I ultimately settled for the default ones, after about 4 different pairs.

The sister looks too old on this image.

Other news includes: Scanlators such as Red Vodka from LittleWhiteButterflies and Kudo from LoliLoliHunters have started listening to (AND LOVING) these recordings. I wonder if that means we’ll see translations in the near future?! OR DO I ALREADY HAVE SOME AND JUST CAN’T RELEASE THEM BECAUSE THE COMMISSIONERS WON’T PAY!? loljk… Or am I? The world may never know! …Unless you’re Oliver, Kudo, JobT or T_Starrk. But even then, who knows~!

Don’t like this stuff? Scroll down for whatever h-manga Oliver hopefully uploaded today.

If your request isn’t on here and I responded to your post, I didn’t have enough time to listen to, review and upload it. All of the remaining request I have are long as fuck audios (up to 3 bloody hours!), so they tend to suck away all of my time (and cum – I can’t really do it multiple times… It starts to hurt…). Maybe next time… If I didn’t respond to your post OR add your request to the list of requests in the second comment on this page, then I never saw your request (or I forgot about it, that’s happened too) and you should probably re-request it :V


Also, these HAVE Japanese text in the file names. If you’re having trouble playing the files or seeing the text, I recommend switching your computer’s locale to Japanese and/or install the East Asian Language Pack. This is different for every operating system, so you’ll have to Google for directions on how to do this yourself.

I hear people use them as background music when reading to h-manga, if you’re having trouble visualizing what is happening in the scenario you could try using it for that. Personally I listen to the recordings blindfolded and try to imagine the things happening in the recording are happening to me. Sometimes I actually do feel like something is touching me (and it’s not me, because I listen to these with my hands away from my penis unless I’m specifically told to be touching myself).

Also, some of these might be a wee bit loud. So watch out if you’re in an area where you don’t want other people hearing what you’re doing to.

Note: Even if you don’t like something, you should still download it. I plan on eventually purchasing files myself, so all the money I make from downloads will go towards future purchases! And click the images too! Despite how redundant it is, Imagetwist is a site that pays really well. Besides, you may actually like it and not even realize it! That’s totally happened to me multiple times already.

This is also why I’m recording all of the audios I don’t have that you guys are requesting too. I may get it later in the future at some point when someone randomly shares it on the Internet, or I may just buy it myself.

Oh, and whenever possible please DON’T download using Depositfiles. I realize most of you download from there, and I appreciate the fact that you may have gotten a Gold account either from Oliver or myself, but downloading from there isn’t helping me fund my future purchases at all because Depositfiles stopped affiliating with Americans (which is what I am, if you couldn’t tell from my writing). Because of this, I’ve moved Depositfiles to “Mirror #3”. If you want to not help me share the care, you can download using the Depositfiles link on “Mirror #3”. The main download link is now

Also, if I said something sucks, you should download it anyway. Aside from the above reasons of me getting money = buying stuff to share, just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean you won’t like it. Sometimes I’m off-putted by the voice, which other people may find arousing and I’ve been going through some shit and I’m sick quite a bit so my judgement may be clouded…

If you have any problems extracting things, just rename the files to something like “1”. Due to some requests by people, I was forced to include better names on the file names which causes some of the folders to be too long to extract… I’m sorry, but I gave in to the peer pressure of 2 people :(

And without further ado…

Whispers of the immoral girl and the female pervert: Vol. 4, by Toro Toro Resistance
(Loli?) (CVs: Amane Shiina and Kotone Akatsuki)

Requested by JP90.

This is three different “chapters”, the first chapter involving only Amane, the second involving only Kotone Akatsuki and the third is BOTH (need confirmation).

It starts with the succubus who kind of looks like a loli. I’m not entirely sure, but I believe the first track is just jerk off encouragement and/or instructions. It doesn’t seem like she’s supposed to be touching you. She’s most definitely jerking you off with a Tenga in the next recording however. (Aside: Why are there now Steins;Gate onaholes!? There is even doujinshi about making a Mayurii onahole, but none exist in real life! So depressing :() I could be wrong, but the sound effect changes from the onahole sound effect twice, so I think you are actually supposed to cum twice with this. The third (and final) with just Amane is an extended blowjob scene where you cum 4 times if I didn’t miscount. I found that scene to be really good, and if you’re going to listen to anything in this download make it that single 17 minute recording.

Next up is the loli’s onee-chan, Kotone Akatsuki. I’ve listened to other recordings by her and really enjoyed them… But not this time. I mean, not only did I not find her voice even arousing in the slightest, her mic also sucked BALLS. You can hear cars and planes and shit in the fucking background. And white noise everywhere. And her fucking clock. CANNOT UNHEAR. Tickticktick. I’M LISTENING MORE TO THE CLOCK THEN HER NOW HNNNNNNNG. :( Jesus fuck, it’s not that difficult to buy a noise canceling microphone, even in 2009 when this was originally made. Anyway… In the first recording of the second chapter, just like with Amane you jerk yourself off by the sounds of it. However, this recording is double the length for some reason. Next she jerks you off with her titti- GODDAMMIT THAT FUCKING CLOCK, MAN. WHY WON’T THE BATTERY FUCKING DIE?! Also, there are no sound effects in this recording even on the sound effect version. Dafuq? I wish there were… that would’ve probably drowned out the fucking clock too. I think you’re supposed to cum twice, but without any sound effects at all it’s impossible to tell. Now for the 3rd and final of her solo recordings (thank God!), which is obviously the blowjob scene I loved in the first chapter. However, I didn’t like this one. She talks more than Amane did and her blowjob sound isn’t even all that arousing, I mean I did the whole thing without getting an erection :( Well, on the plus side I didn’t notice the clock this time :3 She supposedly makes you cum twice, one of which is by deep throating, something Amane didn’t do.

In the final recording Amane comes back! Woo! Sadly Kotone doesn’t leave, but at least there are sound effects now too. In this finally recording you’re having sex with both succubi, alternating between the two ejaculating in each multiple times. Also, I think Amane pisses herself. I may have a peeing fetish now.

The one succubus (on the left in the picture below) kind of looks loli, but Oliver said it was okay so I left them in~!

There is also a no sound effects version for the audios that have sound effects.

It also originally included a wav version, but I excluded those to save 781 MB.

It does however still include a script and an HTML version of the script, which imbeds the images along with the script so you can read along (assuming you know Japanese) and have images to fap to at the same time! If you’re wondering what it looks like, it’s kind of like that Sayaka CG set Kusojijii and I released in September… Do any of you remember that? …Did any of you even download it? :(

Edit: Free bonus content can be downloaded from Toro’s website using the password in the “read me” file. This goes for the Toro audio I shared last time too, but I was under the assumption the files I downloaded (due to the humongous size already) that they were included already, however that is apparently not the case. I apologize for this blunder on my part, and will correct this in the future (maybe, if it makes it over 400MB that shit ain’t happening).

The hell?

Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(173 MB, Both About 1 hour, 48 minutes and 24 seconds,
Bonus Talk: 10 minutes, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Daughter Does Masochist Daddy, by MooNSHINeR
(CV: Himari)

Requested by Wendel.

You take on the role of her masochist father and get tortured by her, your little sadistic girl.

Warning: There’s a scene (track 4, to be exact) where she makes you EAT your OWN cum. Because that’s a thing apparently.

With that said, holy shit this was fucking hot. It hit all the right buttons for me. I think I may have even had a hands-free orgasm :3

Has a bunch of bmp images, the script and the thing with and without sound effects. Because of that the file size is almost 400MB. Do you guys really need the no sound effects versions…? I only uploaded it as one file. If you can’t download it, you’re shit out of luck :3

Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(383 MB, Both About: 1 hour, 43 minutes and 13 seconds, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Stereo Voice Erotique, by Wild Strawberry
(CVs: Yuu Shimotsuki (left ear) and Anna Uduki (right ear))

Requested by Devspar_Zero.

When I was listening to this, I felt like I had listened to something similar before that was hypnosis (and maybe NOT erotic). I dunno lol. Any ideas?

After making out with you for like six minutes, they both start blowing you for eleven more. Yeah, it’s really short. I wish it were longer, I thought it was really arousing…

Includes a version with an echo effect and one without. It also has the script, but I forgot to rename the file. Sorry. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(73 MB, Both: 16 minutes and 52 seconds, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Sweet Love Angel Saint of Sex Trance! [Hypnosis], by pure voice
(Hypnosis) (CV: Ryo Suzuki)

Requested by DevoSwat.

Okay, so this uses those beeps that sound great to some people, nonexistent to others, annoying to some and complete static to MOST. It’s some sort of neurological thing that induces arousal and/or relaxation. They are used a few times in this recording. I’ve trained with them before, so I’ve gotten used to most. Most.

Before giving you my reaction, let me tell you what this is about using my nonexistent Japanese skills: Some angel falls from heaven and has lost all of her powers. Obviously, she needs someone to ejaculate inside of her to give her her powers back so she can return to heaven. What is this, Jiburiru?

So I actually really enjoyed this.. that is, until the last 10 minutes or so. The ending sucked… and not in a good way :( I’m literally 50 minutes in when she suddenly says “shiko shiko”, up until this point I thought this was going to be a hands-free orgasm file. If there was masturbation, why wait until the end to start? Like I expected my penis didn’t like the sudden friction after all of that pent up arousal, so I actually started to lose my erection. Then they stopped the background music where there was a loli screaming in ecstasy that sounded fucking hot as hell and she started the countdown. Also, they replaced the awesome boner inducing background with those aforementioned static sounds. The one at the end was so fucking loud it literally caused my eyes to go white. I’m not joking. Also, my eyes were shut and blindfolded so I wasn’t seeing real light. Well, whatever, somehow I still came. Still would’ve preferred it to be a hands-free file, though…

Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(70 MB, 1 hour, 3 minutes and 21 seconds, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Reverse Nanpa! – Mothers and Daughters, by MEKAYA-CUE
(CVs: Kotoko Amatsuki, Mirano Tojo and Nekomi Mimi)

Requested by Jankull.

This is a bit different: It’s a bunch of different scenes all clusterfucked into a single MP3 so don’t get confused. Second off, this isn’t always from your perspective.. I think. Sometimes it’s from the other characters looking at you. It’s actually pretty hard to follow sometimes. Actually, I think at one point in time you’re in two different places at once. Or maybe I’m doing it wrong and you’re not even in the thing at all and the person they are having sex with is some nameless, non-talkative person/multiple people who isn’t/aren’t even you…

So this has sound effects everywhere. It starts outside so you hear cars and birds, but then suddenly the sound for getting coins in Mario starts happening. Wut. I seriously laughed at some of them. Anyway…

Pretty sure it starts with a handjob from mommy (despite the “shiko shiko”), then you go home and she does it AGAIN in the bath, however this time there’s also fellatio (that sounds more hilarious than erotic, and actually caused me to lose my erection). The next scene is the two sisters catching you fucking (and cumming inside) their mother (one’s a loli), then the older one gives you a blowjob that almost as funny sounding as her mother’s and then a titty fuck. Next you’re cumming inside her. Also, it sounds like mommy is having sex too but I dunno lol. That scene is rather hot tho. The last 6 seconds seems to be a titty fuck/blowjob from the mom/older sister. That’s why I think they may have been having sex with two different people, who may not have even been you.

In case you’re wondering since I mentioned her: The loli does nothing other than watch and take pictures :(

Includes the script and free talk with each seiyuu.

The sister looks too old on this image. The sister looks too old on this image.

Download the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(105 MB, Main File: 1 hour, 16 minutes and 36 seconds,
All Free Talks Combined: 14 minutes 40 seconds, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Keywords (which may or may not be right, can someone who actually knows Japanese check them for me?):

sugoi = amazing (usually used in reference to the size of your penis or cum load, but may also be used during intercourse to describe how it feels)
kikuza = anus / asshole
denbu / ketsu / oshiri = ass / butt
kintama = balls / testicles
iki wo su / suikomu / sutte = breathe in
haite / iki wo haku / iki wo hakidasu / itte = breathe out
kuritori = clit / clitoris
(o)chinchin / chinko / chin(m)po = cock / dick / penis / etc
osujiru / sei / seieki / seishi / sa(a)men / zaamen = cum / ejaculate / semen / sperm (you get the fucking picture)
iku / shasei = cumming / ejaculating
akagai / akai uma / asoko / (o)manko = cunt / pussy / vagina
denki massaaji / shindouko / shindoushi / baibureetaa = electric massager / vibrator
kimochi ii = feels good
shiko shiko/onani = jerk(jack)ing off / masturbation / wanking
chu / kisu = kiss
paizuri = mammary intercourse / titty-fucking
nuide = naked / nude / undress
chikubi = nipples
ao-kan = outdoor fucking

If anyone knows of any more I should add, do tell.

You can find a lot more here.

Let me know if any of the downloads are broken. Sometimes the upload fails and I can’t tell without downloading it and checking, which is a bit difficult to do when you don’t have a premium account for each site you use.

And don’t forget to read the first and second comments!!!

And, yes, I did imply I already have 5 more recordings listened to. Why am I not posting them? It’s so I have a buffer in case something happens that causes me to get depressed again like last year. Hope to God it doesn’t though, that would really fucking suck.

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12 years ago

Please pick the product you want, I have way too many files to just know what each is ( 400+ GB )

Then reply to this post in some way or another with your product number (or you can link it), when I see the post I’ll respond letting you know whether or not I have it.

For all audios, check here:
For all hypnosis audios, check here:
For all incest audios, check here:
For all rape audios, check here: (Note: These are mostly files where the woman rapes the guy, not the other way around. Ones where you rape a girl will be labeled as JUST “陵辱”.)
For all audios that have blowjobs (but not necessarily ONLY blowjobs), check here:
For all non-erotic audios, check here:

“全年齢” means “all ages” and “18禁” means “adults only”.

If you want to look up files by a specific seiyuu, I recommend you go to her website and look for your files there. Lots of DLsite pages do not have the seiyuu’s name written in the descriptions and the English DLSite romanizes it wrong sometimes (example: “Phan Masaki” would be romanized as “Phan Seiki”.)

Note the above links lead to the Japanese DLSite. The English DLSite may have some files NOT listened on those (believe or it not, stuff that’s removed from the Jap site is sometimes forgotten and never removed from the Eng site). Here are all of the same links on the English site:

For all audios, check here:
For all hypnosis audios, check here:
For all incest audios, check here:
For all rape audios, check here: (Note: These are most files where the woman rapes the guy, not the other way around. Ones where you rape a girl will be labeled as JUST “rape”.)
For all audios that have blowjobs (but not necessarily ONLY blowjobs), check here:
For all non-erotic audios, check here:
If you like whispers, your best bet is checking out this link (but it’s most definitely NOT all of them):

The English site might have some files the Japanese site doesn’t, but the Japanese site still has A LOT more the English site does not have.

BTW, if you use Google translate and it turns a word to “pie(s)”, it means “creampie(s)”. I’m not entirely sure why Google can’t translate that word correctly, I’ve honestly fixed it every time I’ve seen it. I would’ve assumed they’d get the hint by now. (Also, “rori”/”ロリ” is “loli”.)

If you find something you like, try changing the URL from RJ to RE and pressing enter. It might have an English version of the description (which is usually not as long or as informative, but it’s still probably better than a shitty Google translation).

For example, if you like = /product_id/RJ099154.html, you can change RJ099154 to RE099154 and be redirected to = /product_id/RE099154.html.

Just post the link as a reply here (add a space between “=” and “/”, or it’ll become a smiley) and if I have it (or am able to get it), I’ll let you know and upload it the next Sunday (assuming you get your request in BEFORE Wednesday, otherwise I won’t be able to listen to it before Sunday.)

Please try not to request 2 hour long recordings unless you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want them. They make listening to multiple things in a single night kind of impossible. If you do request them, try not requesting anything else that week kthx.

Also, keep in mind I will be listening to these and reviewing them. I’ll be looking at the files that interest more earlier than ones that don’t interest me. For example, a request for a file by Phan Masaki would get precedence over a request about eating feces (actually, Phan Masaki has a precedent over everything :3). I have a hypnosis fetish, so hypnosis files will also always been listened to first over non-hypnosis files (I like using hypnosis files to get me relaxed and then revved up – if you get my drift :3 – for regular audio files anyway). If you want any further explanations on my fetishes, don’t hesitate to ask, but you should still pick stuff you’re into. I may not realize it’s something I like until after I’ve listened to the file itself! I’ve found so many things I never thought would be good until I listened to them for you guys the past month! Also, I prefer files under 60 minutes in length. 30 minutes or less is the best because it allows me to listen to multiple recordings in a single “session”.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Side note: I currently have 23 requests. I’m probably only going to be posting 4 a week, unless someone requests an audio that’s under 15 minutes in length.

Seriously though, I need requests that aren’t 2 hours long.

And keep checking those links. New audios come out literally EVERY day.

Also, check the request list frequently if you previously requested something. I actually keep a list of all of the audios people requested and when I go to listen to stuff I check and see if any of the numbers come up in an explorer search. I get new recordings almost every day.

Here are the requests I currently have so you don’t re-request them (also, make sure you search the page before requesting something, someone may already have requested it and I haven’t gotten around to editing this post yet. Just search the numbers, not the letters):

RJ039433 – Succubus Legends – Spider Woman Edition
RJ044852 – Succubus Legends – Succubus Edition
RJ048923 – Succubus Legends – Succubus bad end edition
RJ061055 – こだわり淫語~パイズリ乳内射精天国編~ (Need translation and the name of the seiyuu, can’t find it anywhere :<)
RJ076889 – Drowsy Allure – Sweet Dream
RJ083117 – Charmy Prisoners
RJ085652 – Catholic Nun's Fellatio
RJ085738 – Tender Mama Listens To Anything You Say
RJ087671 – Masochist Elder Sister Gratefully Tormented By Young Brother
RJ092515 – Cuckolded Bridegroom – Before Her Eyes (loli)
RJ094119 – I Want A Blowjob From Someone Who Loves It! Vol.2
RJ095520 – Avarice Mistress – I Was Utterly Seduced
RJ095741 – This Girl Gives Too-Hot Blowjobs! Sayuri Misaki's 30 Minute Fellatio
RJ095891 – Waiting At The Airport…
RJ097753 – Dream Teaser Demoness – Together with Pooka-chan (Hypnosis)
RJ098864 – Do-Ero Kiss GoGo Bitch!
RJ100251 – Summon Sisters – San-nin no Imouto no Ha-Ji-Me-Te
RJ100755 – Bunny Trap – Endurance of Oral Cumshots
RJ101293 – One Night In Winter – Trifles from Bishoujo Ko-akuma (Pretty Lil Devil Girl)
RJ101403 – Imouto is Innocent at Any Age
RJ104976 – Slightly Lovesick Big Sister's Mischief – Sleepytime Yandere Oneechan
RJ105402 – I'm Forced To Give Blowjobs Even Though I Hate You -Don't Cum Inside Me!- Vol.2
RJ107508 – A Christmas Wish of Slightly Naughty Twin Sisters (TWIN SISTERS 6!)

If you don't see your request here, please reply to this post and let me know!

12 years ago

Thanks again, HurpDurp! Can I request RJ076889 if you haven't already done it? I love Yuu Shimotsuki's voice! I now have three faves between Phan, Moe Itou, and Yuu Shimotsuki :)

12 years ago
Reply to  ElPalomalo

Got that.

If you want to look for more of her work, I recommend you go to her website and look throughout the whole thing, instead of just searching for her name on DLsite. Admittedly, it's more tedious and long (especially given the fact that Shimotsuki-san uses a blog instead of website like Phan Masaki), but you'll likely find stuff you wouldn't have otherwise, including but not limited to free (erotic) recordings! (If you happen to find free downloads, let me know. :V)

Also, Phan Masaki is number one right? :3

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Yes, yes she is! :3

12 years ago
Reply to  ElPalomalo

Bad news, I actually DON'T have it. :( I listened to it last night and it's all fucked up, so I'm gonna have to look for a new copy D:

12 years ago
Reply to  ElPalomalo

Good news: Found one that works~!

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Awesome! You, sir, are a legend!

12 years ago
Reply to  ElPalomalo

Even better news: I almost had TWO hands-free orgasms from it.

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

I also can get hands-free orgasms, but that implies the presence of a woman. I don't see how you can achieve it alone O_o

Mind you, I also think I might be suffering a form of anorgasmy, past the first orgasm that I can make wait longer than 30 minutes (most of the time, I remember a time with a violet bikini, I didn't last 3 minutes lol), I'll have terrible trouble if I want to ejaculate again in the following hour. Past the first shot, I can last almost forever rock hard.
That said, I'm far from hating it, and neither my wife nor the previous ladies either.
… Even if I'm a bit envious of the serial ejaculators ^^

12 years ago

Protip: An ejaculation and an orgasm are two different things.

You can have one without the other, both or neither.

It's also all doable via hypnosis. Basically just get really fucking aroused and then your body is like "okay, this shit just needs to happen".

In Koe de Oshigoto, the main character gets into a trance-like state and has an orgasm without touching herself too.

A better example is someone about to lose his virginity. You see it made fun of in movies and tv shows (even hentai sometimes) all of the time, kids ejaculating in their underwear before they even get their clothes off.

11 years ago
Reply to  ElPalomalo

And now for something completely different! = /product_id/RE108050.html

Part 1:
Part 2:

(Note: Not my upload)

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

I remember being able to post simple javascripts and have them work, in the past…

Could it be your browser, too, or one of its extensions, breaking the editor's engine ? Try with another browser, just in case ?

12 years ago

Here’s the thing.. it worked fine when I previewed the post yesterday. So as far as I can tell, it didn’t break until it went live this morning.

I took your suggestion and switched to Firefox last month. Considering you use that too, it can’t be the browser…

By the way, the same exact thing happened last time too. If you look at the deleted posts page, you can see me saying it.

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

This is really weird.

Hurp, could you save in some text file the html contents of your posts, when this is supposed to be all good ?

Comparing the before / after results would be useful, to have enough materials to report to the wordpress community, and, also, hopefully, to fix it.
Just like with the Shunjou Shuusuke page, the problem came from badly nested html, maybe there's some form of problem like that in the present case, who knows !

12 years ago

Well, it worked when I fixed it this time (just like last time), but in two weeks when I make the next post I'll send you the final HTML and you can look at it the preview yourself before it all goes live. If it does what I think it'll do, at 3AM my time on that Sunday (which would be the 20th) the noscript should phase out for no reason at all.

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

One could wonder why you even add a noscript ?

12 years ago

Search engine optimization. So if someone is searching the product number or the name in Japanese it shows up on Google. Otherwise it won't :(

I assumed people didn't wanna see a bunch of Japanese characters everywhere though…

Monster-Girl Lover
Monster-Girl Lover
12 years ago

I've gone through the ToroToro works, especially the Succubi ones, so much that I know them in and out now. For a summary, the loli Succubus' name is Rito, and the onee-san one is Lilia. The audios are, in order: Blowjob from Rito, Tailjob (check the CGs) from Rito, Blowjob from Lilia, Paizuri from Lilia, and the final one is the both of them fucking you to compete for who can make you cum more, with a semen slave-ish ending. The first 2 are basically what happens if Rito catches you (you're some kind of hero), and the 3rd and 4th are if Lilia catches you. There also ARE SFX, at least in the ones I have, just none of ejaculation. If need be, I can give you the ones I have.

In addition, there are bonuses on ToroToro's site for ALL of his audio works. These are generally sharper CGs, and/or bonus audio tracks (in this case, solo sex scenes with Rito and Lilia, both ending with them sucking the protagonist until he's naught but skin and bones, he dies happy) to go with the works. Like I said, if you need them, I can upload my copies of the audio with the SFX and the bonus tracks/CGs.

Monster-Girl Lover
Monster-Girl Lover
12 years ago

Ah, I forgot as well. The 0 tracks are a footjob from Rito, and a handjob from Lilia. Sorry about that!

12 years ago

Hmm… I was under the impression the file I uploaded had the bonus content (ie, it was included in the download from Share) Is that not the case?

By the way, I asked Kusojijii to TC your translation. He said it was good for a literally translation, but he’s gonna fix it to sound better in English.

Monster-Girl Lover
Monster-Girl Lover
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

It does not. The bonus content will be the same number combo as the original audio, but with EXTRA after it. In this case it would be 3-1EXTRA1 and 3-1EXTRA2. I'm finishing up on some work stuff, but after that I'll be able to zip what I have and upload it.

12 years ago


Well, whatever. The file size was already ginormous. If people want the stuff they can download it themselves. I'll make note of it in the above post.

12 years ago

Or maybe you will.

When I fixed the post an hour ago, the link worked… but now it's 404ing. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp



12 years ago

Thanks for your uploads Hurpdurp! :)

Always happy to get some H-audio.

Red Vodka
Red Vodka
12 years ago

Are there any yandere masturbation audios? Like, not just drama CD's, but something you fap to?

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Vodka

Didn’t I link you this already on G+?

Eng DLSite:
Jap DLSite:

Let me know if there are any specific ones you want, so I can check if I have it and upload it.

Red Vodka
Red Vodka
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Do you buy from the English or Japanese site? Also, I feel like I'm just going to link all the ones with girls in them, lol.

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Vodka

I don't buy anything :V

But if you're going to buy (and hopefully share with me plox), I'd recommend using the Japanese site as it's less likely to trace back to you because of how many people purchase there.

Red Vodka
Red Vodka
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

I meant if I was going to ask you which ones you have, would it be better to use the English site or the Japanese site?

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Vodka

Doesn't matter. I have to use both anyway. Jap site most likely has more results, however I think I may have used the wrong word for "yandere" (as the English site has slightly different results).

By the way, Red Vodka, if you want faster replies, join THMMY's IRC on IRCHighway… Or just /msg HurpDurp on Rizon. Or send me a message on Google Talk. Any of those work.

12 years ago

btw Hurp
RJ104976 is finally downloadable
This one is quite the same with The Erotic Landlady Seduces You which you shared before (hearing her thoughts while she's pretending to be asleep in this case)
Although not every part of it is like that.
Part 1 is not, but part 2-4 and 5 (omake) are.
You can check it out maybe and share it sometimes :3
I find it really erotic.

12 years ago
Reply to  Knine

Didn't you look at my list? I already updated it to include that. x:

I already listened to and reviewed it, in fact.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Sorry bout that.. :)
anyway ty :3 and keep up the good work haha

12 years ago

You know, I was kinda skeptical about these, but I must admit, the Cool, Cute, Unlucky Succubus really got me rolling.

I tried what people suggested, that being close your eyes and bust out a fleshlight and dayum that was a good time. Although that door opening, I think I felt my heart come outta my ass 0.o

Thanks for the shares, I'm actually paying attention to these now :)

12 years ago
Reply to  DeathsUncleBob

Ha-ha. Yeah, that scared me too.

12 years ago
Reply to  DeathsUncleBob

I doubt you'll read this =P but in case you do…

What I've found works wonders is to blindfold myself with a pillow covering. I fold mine into thirds then wrap it around my head, and hike it up around my ears for my headset. My room has a window, so being blindfolded prevents light from reaching my eyes, and helps me visualize.

That' being said, Unlucky Succubus was my favorite so far =)

12 years ago
Reply to  Fern

I use a handkerchief in place of a real blindfold. Someday I shall buy a legit one.

Any type of fabric that isn’t heavy can be used as a blindfold though. Kudo (mentioned in this post) uses a t-shirt for some reason, but I would advice against that cuz I feel that would probably be too heavy.

12 years ago

I listened the angel hypnotic one, and the fourth one, the one with the girl moaning in the background is really good……the only letdown is that static sound, it gives me the same feeling of being in a horror movie, and this of course defeats my "purpose" of listening to that…..anyway, is there a version without that sound? or any idea of who gave the voice to the background girl? or is she the same person?

12 years ago
Reply to  lol

Most likely the same girl, it doesn't say anywhere that it isn't.

And if there were a version without it, I would've included it as well.

12 years ago

Sweet Love Angel Saint of Sex Trance!

So I was skipping around the first one and there was suddenly this fucking TONE… I ripped my headphones off. So I tried it from when it slowly came in and it was tollerable, then it suddenly hiked the volume again and I tore my headphones off again…

Oh man =(

2, 3, and 5, just delete them if you don't know japanese.

4, I was admit I was SURPRISED I liked this. For reasons that don't really need to be gotten into (out of lube) I'll be waiting to try this out *properly* but a quick listenthrough genuinely intrigued me. I think the (apparently angel?) is talking while a girl is being fucked in the background. I don't know Japanese very well at all (kimochi is about the extent of my knowledge ha ha) but the tone used in this one didn't caues me to grate my teeth, was relaxing, and I admit it was strangely arousing. Until the last few minutes, where I ripped my headset off again lol

12 years ago
Reply to  Fern

Yeah, that’s what I said in my review. I thoroughly enjoyed the recording until that damn static started. I don’t understand why it’s there, and I’ve never heard it in any of Pure Voice’s other recordings. Maybe they were trying something new out? Thank God they’ve since gotten rid of it at least.

Got any other requests? There’s a new Phan-Masaki-Daretoku-Saimin-Seisakujo-loli-hypnoshit out: = /product_id/RE107583.html

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

I liked the trials on
RE100251 (had a loli in the picture though, so..)

While Tentacle Vamp Ecchi Playtime seems like something I'd enjoy, the trial was unimpressive.

12 years ago
Reply to  Fern

I've got both~

Kudo listened to RJ107583 and said it was good, though.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Certainly. It was only a comment on the trials, and I really liked the trials on the ones I mentioned =)

I should explain my rationale. The tenta one had a good voice, I could easily see me getting off to it. It's just that for some reason, some of the audios don't have "sex" scenes, just bjs or hand jobs or masturbation encouragements, which confuse or do not arouse me. Since I liked the voice actor in the ones I mentioned, and they do seem to be having sex in the trial, I requested them.

12 years ago
Reply to  Fern

I see. Well, you're best bet is probably searching for "Internal Cumshot" / "中出し".

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

I'm sorry, I don't understand. A search for internal cumshot at dlsite recommended two items, both of which were CG sets.

12 years ago
Reply to  Fern

Make sure you do an advance search and toggle only audios under file type.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Tried your search. I found RE105402 and RE102885 to be nice as well.

12 years ago
Reply to  Fern

Hmm, RJ102885 looks like a sequel to that nonerotic whip audio I shared. I do not have that one, but I do have RJ105402.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Oh sorry, I didn't check the second set to see if they were on your list.

You don't have to take all of them lol. I'll stop at 3 requests for now anyway XD

12 years ago

RE and RJ are the same right? Can I request RJ101944: Loved by a Yandere Childhood Friend?

12 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Don't have that one, sorry :(