Magical Wife [English], by Shinozuka Atsuto
It’s a funny share Lusty Lady and BlackRussian, from The Lusty Lady Project (thank you !!) are bringing us. The heroine is a magical girl in her twenties, married to a salaryman. While he’s in the train , she magically comes back to him and makes the two of them invisible – in order to fuck.
Because, you see, she needs a refill in magical power after fighting villains, and nothing beats her husband’s sperm for that.
I LOVE the idea. What if we all have a magical power sprinkler for a penis !?!
What if creampying a woman really refills her MP, but she can’t do nothing of it because she’s not a magician-class person ?
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Lightsaber, eh?
I rather call this whiteout censorship, or maybe even white hole : the female genitalia are also invisible.
Recharging mana with semen.
More Dragon Pink!
Hmmm, ….. Oliver's question reads like some sort of allusion to the Raildex (To Aru Railgun/Index) universe. The more die-hard fans out there might have more to say on the matter.
Damn cute story, though.