Pack of 2 works by Mukoujima Tenro [English] : Mutual Jealousy, Mio & Shirou, and Shinobu & Kazuya
Kindly brought to us by Desu and Darkfire, commissioner of numerous quality shares, here are two new works by an artist, I didn’t know, Mukoujima Tenro : Mutual Jealousy Mio And Shirou, and Mutual Jealousy Shinobu And Kazuya. Both of them are about couples, in which jealousy strengthens the bonds between partners. |
This sounds cute and all, like that, but, actually, I didn’t like these works. The women are depicted as naturally submitted to men and generously gifted with at least half their IQ and 1/10th of their determination, “it’s a man’s world”, that didn’t feel right, not to me.
Graphically, it’s a bit better, busty women having happy oral and lots of happy vaginal sex, with love (but not love “on equal terms”).
Well, see for yourselves, right ?
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(18 MB, 40 pictures, English)
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I liked the one with Shinobu & Kazuya better of the two. Something about Shinobu's character design . . .
" “it’s a man’s world”, that didn’t feel right, not to me."
I think that's what bugs me so much about Japan, and how it gets reflected so casually and unthinkingly in their fiction: that the whole society is -so- misogynistic. =
Meant that "=" to be a =/ …
True, and its not just doujins, for some reason, in "normal" anime&manga in the past few years, they think rape is the bee's knees.
well, what could you expect from a country where a woman with a good job, but with no children is considered a failure. They even have a special word for them(forgot it though).
Wonder if this is going to turn out to be a series?
I think it will. Why refuse to earn money, as the mangaka, editor and publisher would ask