Could I humbly ask for help for help, with a Mac-related problem ?
Hello everyone
Any mac users around here ? I’m puzzled, with something potentially not entirely inside the usual scope of what one may call legality…
Advice from someone used to .dmg files would REALLY come in handy, please, pretty please
I have a 10 years old ibook G4, offered by a relation. PPC shit with 30 GB of disk, but it may serve as a multimedia box for my kids, in replacement of the dying Dell they currently have.
My own machine has a windows 7 OS.
I also have on my disk a “Mac OS X Install-Single Layer DVD.dmg” file (single layer, because I can’t burn double layer ones) with the latest OS possible to install on this crappy machine, I think this is Leopard. I DO want to update the 10-year-old OS of the notebook, one hour trying using Mac was enough to make me want to install an upgrade over that unfriendly shit.
I burnt the .dmg file with PowerIso, with success, it verified the compilation and found it to be perfect.
The Mac only recognizes a disk is inserted in the slot named like that, but won’t manage to open the goddamn disk or read its contents.
I also have a yellowdown linux 6.2 DVD successfully burned, with verification, by Burn-Aware from its official .iso file. This one, the Ibook g4 manages to recognize it and fully browse its contents.
However, it won’t acknowledge it as a bootable device, hitting Alt on startup only shows the hard disk as the single bootable device.
I desperately tried the C key on startup, but as verifying with the Alt key showed, no, none of these disks are bootable disks for this Mac.
Also tried with an USB external DVD reader, same deal.
I can’t put the .dmg file on an i-shit-something like an ipod, I don’t have any.
I can’t put the .dmg file on an HFS+ formatted USB key, it’s larger (4.3 GB) than my largest USB key (3.7 actual GB).
Sooo… What the fuck, lol.
I gave up on asking on Mac forums, they are apparently full of imbeciles confusing software with religion and they can’t tolerate that one may not wish to actually buy an OS for a 10 year old machine that’ll serve as a divx player, and they entirely discard Linux installation attempts.
Would you know where I have gone wrong, and why neither of the DVDs supposed to be bootable, are bootable ?
Thank you SO MUCH if you can help ! ^_^
Damn… I feel like I could easily help you out, but your post is so full of hatred that I feel even if I spell it out, you won't understand.
LOL this guy. I thought .dmg files were Mac executables, which makes it obvious nothing shows up on boot. Not sure, though. Finding a bigger USB device, or burning as data might be worth a shot. Linux on a mac, I'm not sure if it was that easy on the PowerPC Macs. If you want Linux, you're going to have to do some reading on EFI boot tables adn bootloaders like rEFIT. Good luck.
epic lel XD You sure showed him the lulz there!!
Well, i never have used Mac in my life.. (me being pure warez guy)… thou wud like to help u…
if u have powerISO then try mounting the image and then copy the image drive to the Disc.. I mean mount it to a drive first and then when u burn the disc select the mounted drive as the source drive and ur blank disc in DVD drive as destination… this worked for me when i had trouble with Win XP images..
Gud luck fixing it…
I can't recall if it worked without a glitch, but there is a program TransMac that also handles .dmg files. I had a similar sort of situation about a year – two years ago, and I think it was this that worked.
Можно попробовать Mediafour MacDrive. Читает mac диски. Пишет на них, проверяет на ошибки. А вообще – Linux типа YellowDog либо OpenIndiana (у нее в репозитариях более свежий софт). Но openIndiana – это не linux. У нее в репозитариях может не быть драйвера mac разделов. Но PPC сборка вроде имеется.
Sorry for asking Oliver, but your notebook have a G4 processor?
If this is right ( sorry english is not My first language so I'm sorry for the grammar) I don't think it could read the disk with the OS, because the OS X ( which is Tiger, Leopard is the second step of the OS), was created for the Intel processor ( while the G4 was made by Motorola) so even if the file is a .dmg, I think it's impossible for the machine to read this type of file that is too advanced and completely different, because was created for a different type of machine .
The hardware is too old, sorry if this sound as a bad news for you.
"Snow Leopard" (10.6) was the first OS that was Intel only. I think apple didn't make separate install programs for G4 and Intel. In any case, since, if he boots from the HD, he can't open the disk he burned and see the file, I don't think bootability is where he is stuck?
No David, The OS X 10 was developed only at the begininng with the possibility to be booted with the Powerpc, ibook with the G3/ G4/G5 porcessors, after it was intended only for the Intel, cause Apple ( or better Steve Jobs) decided to change the Apple machines with a completely different hardware, so now it is impossible for an Apple computer with those processor to read the OS.
try this one it was created for tiger but it should run also with leopard. In the worst case use tiger, it will be enough to handle and old vlc version and a bunch of video codecs.
Salut Olivier. J'ai eu un de ces ibooks G4, une machine très sympa :-)
D’après wikipedia ( ), le dernier OS supporté par ces machines est soit MacOS X 10.3 ("Panther") soit MacOS X 10.4 ("Tiger"), selon le modele. Donc "Leopard" (MacOS X 10.5) ne peut pas s'installer dessus, mais apparemment tu n’étais pas certain de la version de l'image disque que tu avais, donc si tu as en fait une 10.4, ou mieux une 10.3, ça devrait marcher.
Pour le problème de boot, un .dmg est une sorte d'image ISO, mais "a la mode Mac" (donc pas compréhensible par un PC). J'avoue que je n'ai jamais essayé de graver une telle image depuis un PC sous Windows. Mais apparemment il est possible d'y arriver, PowerISO semble le supporter, cf :… , est-ce que c'est la procédure que tu avais suivi dans tes tests ?
Et aussi :…. qui explique comment convertir un .dmg en .iso, peut-etre que ca marche mieux.
Dans tous les cas, si je comprends bien, le dmg gravé sur un cd est illisible, alors qu'une image iso Linux gravée sur un cd est bien lisible par le mac, ce qui semblerait confirmer que le gravage du dmg est pas fait avec la "bonne" méthode.
J’espère que je ne viens pas de t'expliquer des trucs que tu avais déjà compris, j’espère que ça va t'aider a avancer. Tiens moi au courant. Et je comprends que, si tu n'as pas l'habitude des Macs, devoir faire ce genre de manip peut vite tourner a la frustration… Tiens nous au courant :-)
PS: je viens de lire le commentaire precedent, MacOS X existait au depart sur PPC, puis ils sont passe a Intel et ont gardé la compatibilite entre les deux un certain temps. On peut installer MacOS X sur un PPC. (Il faut juste la version adaptee a la machine, i.e. pas trop recente tout simplement.)
Oops, j'ai dit une bêtise concernant l'OS, j'ai confondu l'OS preinstallé sur la machine avec l"OS maximum qu'elle supporte. La plupart des iBook G4 supportent bien Leopard, cf.… qui est plus detaillé que la version française. Il n'y a que le premier modèle d'ibook G4 qui ne supporte pas Leopard.
En tous cas, ta question a déclenché une tonne de réponses ! Seul problème pour toi, trier dans tout ça…
Some G4 iBooks will run Leopard (10.5), some will only run Tiger (10.4). But they shipped with Panther (10.3), so I'm not sure the update will add that much? Though maybe it will (ironically I ran OS 9 for so long, that I went right to Tiger when I switched to OS X). I'm not sure what you found "unfriendly" about Panther, but if it is a case of not being enough like what you are used to, then I'm not sure going to Tiger or Leopard will be that different?
I burn .dmg files off my Mac (using Disk Utility, which may well be on your iBook). The only Windows machines I use are the one or two they have at work so I have never handled them on Windows. I do know there a applications for Windows that will do, but I can't help you there. What you really need is someone with experience in a mixed Windows/Mac environment. I may have to talk to our IT guys on monday, if I do I can ask them about it.
If you are lucky (whomever bought the computer chose the option), you might have a drive with will burn DVDs and you could transfer the file to the Mac and burn it. You might also see if you can't open the .dmg file on the Mac and run the installer right from there (warning, I'm _pretty_ sure that it will either work or not let you try it). If can't transfer it to the Mac by USB because you don't have anything big enough, and you don't want to set up and ethernet connection or do it over your home LAN, you could put it on an ISO DVD (not burn the .dmg image to the DVD, just make a regular old data DVD with the “Mac OS X Install-Single Layer DVD.dmg” file.
I could be wrong, but I don't think you can boot from a USB on older Macs?
Note, if you are familiar UNIX, you can access the command line (if that is any help). On your machine I think you just run the Terminal application and you will get a unix prompt. You can put Linux on a Mac G4. I don't know much about it but here is a link……
A powerPC G4 ibook Mac? man that’s some… uh… old machine.
I did have an ibook G3 (previous version), and never had real problems with DMG files, as explained by idontremembermyname DMG files are like ISO files but mac/apple style, so only macs can read them natively, windows and linux needs extra tools.
Being the machine a powerPC processor i think the last version of MacOS X compatible with it is tiger (10.4 this one for sure) and leopard (10.5 not sure), the sad thing is both of them have no more updates from apple and most of the software version around doesn’t work, so is imperative to use older versions, being less compatible with actual files :-(
Aside from using the MacOS X, there is also Linux distributions that are up to date and support powerPC processors, so if the spirit is up for the challenge i recomend debian/Linux testing:
Important: Burn de iso file at the lowest speed possible, some times read errors come from burning to fast.
ALSO Important:for a more windows like enviroment, try LXDE or XFCE both are light desktops so they will not eat a lot of ram just to have a desktop enviroment.
Anyway, good luck.
…Get a PC.
Holding down the C key on boot forces cdrom/dvd as the boot drive (assuming the disk is bootable). I would try Yellow Dog myself.
I dont know of mac. i have a mac that i dont use. when repairing the mac i have, i use perseverance.
then with all that, i recommend you try the "disk" you created or have, on a mac you have that works.
example: try to use the "disk" to boot not the "old mac" but a mac up to date.
If i were to compare it with windows, when burning data on a disk with an "X" program, it asked if you wanted it burned in "universal format" or not; if not, the disk would be only readable if you had the same application in the other computer. (old burnable images programs)
Also, with what i have seen, the .DMG file behaves more like a .RAR file, as it "extract" itself before executing, what i dont know, is if the .DMG file behaves like a .RAR autoextract file, if not, that could be the problem.
Also, i think the OS is sellable by MAC, and if it is, it comes ready for a clean install and boot from it; that is also another option.
As far as i remember 10.4 Tiger runs on PPC machines, 10.5 Leopard? Not so sure.
Another thing that might be, that your Version of Leopard hasnt the drivers anymore for PPC. Apple does stuff like that.
I am a Mac Admin. (seriously) I might have some ideas & maybe an offer (spare part), but please i would prefer emails. You as admin can see my email?
And about the macforums:
i know exactly what you mean…
PS Before i forget.
dmg stands for Disk iMaGe but those are to also burnt as files to disk like ISO an macos will use those as Install Package. For eg MS Office comes as dmg on a Disk. Burning an DMG like an ISO instead of a file might not help you.
AFAIK Leopard was still PPC only. Snowy, aka 10.6 was the transition to intel only:…
In addition to what Cris said above, here's part of you your problem:
* If the Install Image is 10.6 you're out of luck. If it's a 10.5 "retail DVD" (for any Mac, not an OEM to a type of machine one) you have a chance.
* If the disk image is 'intel only' formatted aka GUID then your older MacBook won't even read it. If the image is 'Apple Partition Map' then the PPC should.
The easiest solution, if the DMG you have is 'the right one' is to, on Windows do a block for block copy of the content of the image. That's because you don't have access to current Mac disk tools, where you could 'bless' the Installer DVD to boot properly or anything like that.
If the Image itself doesn't have this data.. then outside of having disk tools or a friend with a Mac (10.5 or greater), you might be out of luck. As Cris said, the DMG is an ISO file… but it's meant to be manipulated with a Mac and with Mac disk tools. It's like trying to mess with *.cab files on a Mac.
Also: If this image you got wasn't sourced from a 'trusted source' I would be VERY LEERY of just leaving it to your kids…
Sorry, that's all I've got.
"On January 10, 2006, Apple released the first Intel-based Macs along with the 10.4.4 update to Tiger."
Intel support started with MacOS X 10.4.4, that is, some late version of "Tiger".
Yeah, there should be ISO images out there to download. Your arch enemy, the torrent, should provide one easy peasy.. Just find the older version that will support the Motorola CPU.
Yeah, I'd suggest splurging for a ROKU box or something. You'll pay more for the electricity to run that old laptop in a year than a roku box would cost you. Remember, only you as a consumer can save the economy.
Getting a bootable Mac disc can be a pain, even on a Mac. Assuming that the image is of a bootable disc, PowerISO might not be putting the Mac specific stuff to make it bootable.
Does your old iBook have a DVD burner (I used to have a G4 iBook and it had one)? If so, try this… 1) Run "Disk Utility" (look in /Applications/Utilities/), 2) Drag the disk image file to drive pane on the left, 3) select the image file, 4) click the burn icon.
Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger) – Can run on PPC or Intel (I have it on a Intel Mini at work).
Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) – Last OS to be able to run "classic" software on PPC (Mac OS 7 to 9).
Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) – Intel Only! Last OS to run old PCC code through Rosetta.
Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) – First OS to try to make a desktop Mac into a giant iPad (sucks!).
as i understood the old ibook is runnin OS-9? (10 year old OS)
However: Poweriso should have done the Trick.
Leopard PPC G4 867MHz or better
is it better?
My iBook G4 could not boot with Mac OS 9, just run 'classic environment' within Mac OS 10 while my old iBook G3 (dual USB ports) could. That said, I'm not 100% sure if all of the iBook G4s were all like this… maybe the oldest ones could, but Apple has a habit forcing users to upgrade their hardware more often the Microsoft did.
Not sure of the minimum requirements of the various iterations of Mac OS were.
I happend to update some MacMinis with SSD Drives, so i happend have a 80 HDD that i don't need anymore…
Do you get my drift?
To get completly clear: i dont want any money or something.
As far as I know only “Disk Utility” can burn a bootable Mac OS X Install disk. You can make a bootable USB the same way. But you have to format it as HFS+ first, and it has be large enough (16 GB USB are very cheap now, less than 20€; 8 GB < 10€).
Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) – PPC or Intel, runs Classic (Mac OS 9).
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) – PPC or Intel, does not run Classic.
Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) – Intel only, still has Rosetta (PPC-emulation).
Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) – Intel only, no Rosetta.
I don’t have any Mac, so I won’t talk about Mac OS.
As it is an old hardware and the usuable Mac OS X versions are old and not support anymore by Apple, I guess I would use an active PPC Linux distribution.
Active to get upgrades of new softwares versions.
And as it is a Linux you can choose a light desktop environment for the old hardware. Like this it should not be slow, but very usuable.
And Linux offer everything to be able to share and talk with others OS.
Of course, that means to use a Linux…
There are also the BSD family (FreeBSD, netBSD, openBSD), which are less consumer than Linux. But they are something else.
I didn’t think there are so many active PPC Linux distributions, but it seems you have choice :¬basedon=None&desktop=All&architecture=powerpc&status=Active
There are two things to confirm with your current setup: Is the the processor speed of the computer at least 867mhz? because if not, it will only run Tiger (10.4). Second, is the version of Leopard you burned for PowerPC (PPC) or Intel (X86?). IBooks use PPC chips, so you need that version of the OS.
Because the computer isn't recognizing the disc, I am guessing that it is an x86 version of Leopard. You will probably find yourself going through quite a few discs trying to find a working version of Leopard. If you have a FireWire port on another ocmputer, you can put the iBook in Target Disc Mode, and it can plug into another computer like an external hard drive.
Target Disk Mode can be accessed by holding down the "T" button while you turn on the computer. Keep holding down the T button until the screen displays the FireWire symbol (looks like a Y). Now the iBook is an external hard drive. You will be easily able to install the software through another mac.
If you don't have another mac or another computer with firewire, then you should play it safe with a version of the OS you KNOW will work, like Tiger:…
Just download the version you need from that torrent, in this case 10.4 Disc 1. Try burning an installing that.
"Because the computer isn't recognizing the disc, I am guessing that it is an x86 version of Leopard. You will probably find yourself going through quite a few discs trying to find a working version of Leopard. If you have a FireWire port on another ocmputer, you can put the iBook in Target Disc Mode, and it can plug into another computer like an external hard drive. "
If you take an OS installation disk for Intel and stick it into a PPC machine, you still should be able to open it I would think, you just wouldn't be able to run the installer. After all, I don't think they changed the file system from PPC to Intel.
It won't recognize it as a boot disc. (boot while holding the "option" key down; you will see all the bootable partitions available to the system)
Hey Oliver. So an iBook G4? Well let’s see here:
Is the OS on the iBook still working as is? I mean do you have a Mac OS X on there at all.
One reason that you are not getting a bootable CD from a DMG file sis that DMG’s are like ISO files but in order for a mac to recognize them they need to be correctly burned to CD, not like a datra CD but a bootable ISO. Now If the iBook still works and has a DVD burner, your in a good spot. You can burn the file to your DVD by opening Disk Utility.
/Applications/Disk Utility
Then drag and drop the DMG file into it side bar, select it and click the burn icon at the top. It should begin buring to the CD Drive and make you a bootable DVD for you to try.
If this fails then the DMG you are using is NOT a bootable image but some lazy rip of an installer and we’re in a bumpier ride. Also if there is no way for a EXTERNAL or internal DVD burner this will also fail. Bummer. Luckily Disk Util can burn an iso file from what I read at this site:…
Then move the iso to the win7 machine. Burn it. And boot it on the iBook.
Now if you do need to head in a direction such as Linux it’s a bit of a hassle but there are plenty of discussion forms and users on large distros that support PPC arch and will work for simple an iBook.
Heres ubuntu’s PowerPC page:
I suggest you read up on the issues:…
In order to boot this burned CD HOLD C until Linux boots. Do not let go until you see any sign of it doing so.