Would someone know about Solaris-SVU’s fate ?
Hello there
Would someone know, please, what happened to the Solaris-SVU group ?
Their website (mangaworld.org) stopped working a few monhs ago, and since then, it seems there has been no news from them.
It would be a pity if their group disbanded, they are (were ?) behind several high quality series that are still ongoing !
Please, if one of you knows a bit of their whereabouts, thanks a lot to share the info
I think life caught up. They started turning their series to other groups in the last year or so. I know the main guy was having financial troubles and just didn't have the time anymore. I think they are just another group that disbanded due to life.
Ya never saw a good bye post, but I did see the posts about Real Life hitting them hard.
I know Umi no Misaki got picked up by someone else though, not sure about the rest.
oh crap they died but but some of my all time favorite manga was released by them aka lilim kiss, girl sauraus, bitter virgin and manga like that i didn't think they'd ever disappear
Well I don't know anything about them but I'm asking myself the same question about hentaifromhell/ what happened to those guys? Does anyone know?
The previous two days, loading HFH loaded the notorious HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA video (just google it if needed), so I imagined the server had been hacked by someone who didn't want to release its control. But now it's failing to load anything at all again. I'm confused, and I fail to understand.
It would appear that, once again, it's been hacked. For the who-knows-umpteenth time. A reocurring event, it seems. Not sure if the hackers, if it is indeed hackers, are just that good, or if the owner just can't keep it protected properly. In the past years with it being burnt down to the ground and being rebuilt back up, it makes one wonder…
Oh, and anally violating lolis with gravel, as well as nipple clamps and car batteries. You know the routine, Oli.
anyone know if virgin na kankei R will be picked up by anyone if they indeed disbanded?
Well, their irc channel is still open, so you can ask them here:
They were a great group, lot´s of great manga were being done by them, I just can´t thank them enough for all the work the´ve done, I just hope one day they return at 100%
Our death has been greatly exaceggerated.
As Mark stated above, our life (or is it phase of our lives) finally caught up to it and just cannot devote as much time as we were able to before.
Heck, Gari finally has stable job that pays him and takes up most of his time nowadays.
And I am no longer a nerdy college kid that I once was (still nerdy, but no longer in college, working full-time).
Gari trimmed down his workload greatly, and Umi no Misaki is no longer our projects, but Virgin na Kankei R remains one of our priority.
Our long time website got hacked, then recovered, but decided to let go of the lease, so we have new home!
Our IRC channel is still active, not much activities, but we do take a peek every now and then. So if you have any questions, fire it away!
(Just don’t expect prompt response, sorry).
Hey Bigvinny,
Thank you very much for the heads up, and glad to see your group didn't kick the bucket !
Would you be interested if I made a post to tell you need help or recruit ? You harbour so many projects I enjoyed, if it can help, I'd be glad to do so.