Pack of two works by Yuuki Shin [English] : Holy Pâtissier + Okusama Mizunure Chuui

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments
Let's be frank, if it was drawn by an unknown artist I'd have called it good, but coming from Yuuki Shin, this is a disappointment

I gathered two works by Yuuki Shin. Please allow to warn you, I personally deem them as “okay, but disappointing” compared to my other Yuuki Shin shares !

I may have missed it, or else, it wasn’t written, would someone know who should have been credited for these ?

First, Holy Pâtissier, a simple and slightly humorous story about a girl working at a bakery, and having at last sex with her male boss; the censorship was annoying and Yuuki Shin’s talent had not bloomed yet, I feel.
Second, Okusama Mizunure Chuui, the extraordinary story of a husband who needs nobody’s help to get netorare’d hard. Self-NTR for fuck’s sake :shock: I can’t really blame him for marrying the wrong woman, I guess he couldn’t know – but now, he sure knows. Lol.

By Yuuki Shin, I also share Happening Library, Kakurembo (Hide And Seek), and a pack of 2 works (Sweet March, and Revenge.)

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(22 MB, 34 pictures, English)

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11 years ago

Oliver, the wife KNEW it was her husband the whole time. She noticed the wig (there is even a small panel showing her notice).

11 years ago

it wasn't NTR at all oliver! look at bottom left panel page 2. she realized it was him right away.

11 years ago

I dare say Oliver DID read that panel and knows that the wife realized it was her husband – treating it as some kind of role playing. Nevertheless, it does not change the fact that said husband DID NOT realize he was found out by his wife. So from hubby's point of view, his wife easily enjoyed herself with a (supposed to be) total stranger (who was actually him). Do you get where Oliver's "Self-NTR" is coming from now?

Of course it's not real NTR. It just so happens that the husband has to BELIEVE it is NTR, or at least some cheating/adultery committed by his wife – which is fully caused by his own actions. So yeah, Self-NTR for the win!

11 years ago

Oliver, you can easily point out anatomy faults but fail to miss panels O.O

11 years ago

Yo dawg, we heard you like NTR so we set you up for this that you can NTR yourself while you get yourself NTR'ed xD

8 years ago

mirror 1 link dead