Touhou hentai doujin [English] : Delicious Head Maid, by Nanakorobi Yaoki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on No comments
Tags: Touhou
Sorry I didn't find even better futanari to share ^^

There’s nothing complicated here, and, seeing I was searching for a futa-based manga to share (hasn’t it been a while ? I have an affirmative futanari action quota to respect !), I think this Touhou parody will do the job well :)

We meet Hong Meiling, Koakuma, Remilia Scarlet and Izayoi Sakuya (hoping I got the names right), having sex with each other, with the help of magical penis-potions and not caring at all about any consequences anyway, it’s 100% carefree. Really, that’s all that struck me, if you like the drawings and you want some futa, go for it ^^

Credits are for Afro Thunda, Rinruririn and Qazmlpok, from AfthScans, thank you ! :)

By the same artist, Kinntarou, circle Nanakorobi Yaoki, I also share Saimin Shinsatsu (“Hypnotic Treatment”, 179 pictures), Musashi-Ryu Seikyouiku, Female Fighter Gangbang Round, Nikuyoku Chikan Sharyou, I Want Yukarin To Devour Me and Tobikkiri No Senkan VS Senkan.

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(22 MB, 30 pictures, English)

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