FULL-COLOR uncensored version of Mero Mero Girls New World [English], by Denki Shougun

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Haaaa... Boa, my favorite One Piece girl :3

A motivated person, called HAAI1717, has colorized the very nice and already uncensored Meromero Girls New World, by Denki Shogun (or Shougun), thanks a lot ! ^_^
As for the rest, well, this displays Nami, Boa Hancock and Nico Robin, who hit hard on the booze and enjoy a half-drunk (there is no abuse, don’t worry) sex party ^^ The drawings are very good and hardcore, going as far as double penetration. Me, I can’t say I’m totally fond of colorizations, but I can reckon that’s a well-done work :)

By the same artist, I also share Intelli Mushroom

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(29 MB, 26 pictures, English)

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11 years ago

Just one question, why doesn't the search bar show any options anymore when you start to type in a name. Oh and thank you for this website it's the best one out there.

11 years ago

Oliver way dont you use PDF fiels for the hentai Doujin ? .I downloaded in 5 min 18 hentai stories in PDF form so its a lot faster then winRAR or 7zip and does not use that much space