Pack of 3 works : Utsusemi Kouhen + Utsusemi Zenpen + Utsusemi Zenpen (yeah, same name, other story) [English], by Maruta

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments
Really good yuri, even better than hetero O_o

I’m swimming in confusion and arousal. I guess things could have been worse :D

I repacked here, with help from the kindful links provided by a kind soul called Xavier, three works by the hentai artist Maruta.

They’re about a male and female twins taking pleasure disgusing as each other, having sex together and with other women too. They relish in the confusion experienced by their sexual partners, they arouse them like mad, play with them, and have great sex all along. Girl with girl action can be SO arousing ! And when a penis joins ! This is maddening – and super hot :shock:

–Update: 2 of the 3 chapters of this share are now part (as final chapters) of Kanojo Zokusei – Kimi Zoku. Just FYI.

You’ll also experience confusion of the names, there are indeed two works called Utsusemi Zenpen, even though they’re different stories, one with a school nurse, the other with a librarian O_o (That story with the librarian left me with a parched throad, HNNNNNG !!!)
These works are :
Utsusemi Kouhen
Utsusemi Zenpen
– and also Utsusemi Zenpen (told ya)

Graphically, this is SPLENDID even despite the moderately annoying censorship, Maruta really shines at drawing beautiful faces, natural-looking breasts, he could shine even as a non-hentai artist, i’m sure of it . I really hope you may enjoy that read, my sincere thanks for those shares go to Cgrascal :)

For MORE, please see The list of Maruta’s works on Hentairules

Complete picture galleries:
Utsusemi KouhenUtsusemi Zenpen (1)Utsusemi Zenpen (2)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(42 MB, 62 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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11 years ago

A few scenes have been added to the 3rd episode of Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo and specifically a blowjob scene from Byakudan in the re-release. It has also been compiled into 1 long episode instead of being 3.

11 years ago
Reply to  shockingpary

I'm aware. I've been pressuring Biri to (re)translate it, but he won't move his ass :(

11 years ago

Oh yeah, I'm almost done with chapters 4 and 5 V:

11 years ago

Here’s another story with the two twins, from the tankobon Kanojo ga Koibito wo Suki ni Natta Riyuu.

11 years ago
Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  ojiisan

Thanks a lot man :)

9 years ago

Another good work!

Thanks Oliver-san!!