NEW! Hentairules now has an IRC channel!
Yeah, I don’t know how much you guys will care, but this is official, now has an IRC channel ^^
This way, if you’re into IRC and you want to discuss with fellow pervs, you know where to go
There’s a chat embedded on the chat page.
(The Chatango chat is still at the bottom if you want to use it, in which the old messages remain, but the IRC nerds didn’t like Chatango so I added the IRC channel.)
Or you can find it on #hentairules hosted on
Make sure you register your nick~
Have fun talking
Simple rules : no flaming, keep your cool, and please don’t share loli/guro/zoo links on that channel.
That said, good evening dear fellow hentai lovers ! ^^
Why is stuff still banned on IRC? You shouldn’t have to worry about your host getting anal retentive about loli, guro and such since it’s not hosted on your website. And you’re never even going to be there, right? So I don’t see why YOU should care. :X
Also, the IRC should be at top. I’ve already seen a couple people mistake the Chatango for the IRC because everyone on the Internet is illiterate.
Hurp, in France, we can he held responsible for what is written or posted in a discussion place that we set up. It's the way it is. And I'd rather avoid getting caught up in shit
Well, you made me the founder, so if anyone is liable it's me, not you. :V
The French law is kinda stupid in this regard, regrettably. If I’ve set it up, and since I’m playing host, I could be held responsible.
I guess it can’t be helped. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌