Kano Bana [English, 208 pictures, with an uncensored chapter], by Yukimi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 17 comments

AWESOME ! And I mean it ! O_o

Sweeeeeet ! Thanks to Ehud who gave me the link (it slipped under my radar), here is a neat, a GREAT complete hentai manga, full of GREAT sex, with GREAT stories ! :shock: :D :woot:
Release credits are for YQII and Anti-Aging Anon, Desu and Slinger87, Kusanyagi, Sling and H9E… Really, I feel grateful for all of them, thank you so much :)

Some chapters were hilarious, like Selfishly With Love or A Lovely Night To Fall In Love. Some others were beautiful and yet so sad, like Vagrant. The Metronome arc started sick, met redemption and ended wonderfully, better than vanilla !

How to say it… Yukimi creates “characters with depth within them”, just a few pages are enough to feel as if they were real, each of them having their own idiosyncrasies, good and strong points, inner personal weaknesses… And we grow attached to these characters. To the carefree girls enjoying life, the nerd blessed with another human’s warmth, the girl accepting to be part of a spiral of sadness, the boy growing into a courageous positive person… Yeah, we grow so much attached to them, that parting from them made me sentimental. This is EXTREMELY rare for me, really ! I hope those “feels” will also touch you :)

Fore MORE, please see The list of Yukimi’s works on Hentairules :)

Hentai geek note, as you may see in the gallery, I tried adjusting a bit the manga’s cover (first pic is my version, second pic is the original). I hope that wasn’t going too far, me, I prefered it like that ^^

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (in testing, okay ? ^^)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(119 MB, 208 pictures + a 22 pages long uncensored chapter, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Oh, yeah, a little detail, I added a censored chapter, A Lovely Night To Fall In Love. But I didn’t replace the censored version with it, they were based on two different versions, the decensoring was made on the low res crappy print magazine version.

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11 years ago

Avast blocks links to the image gallery…

11 years ago

How come you aren't saying anything about "Cherry Pink"? The feelings are so big in this chapter…
Still totally kills your boner.

11 years ago

Finally are complete translated!!! =]

11 years ago

There were a few moments when I wanted to "squeeze a trigger" towards the little brother ("spoiled brat") featured in "Metronome" ….. fortunately, that didn't totally spoil my enjoyment of this collection.

11 years ago

damn saw a NTR tag….. is that bad? what page are?

11 years ago
Reply to  wazzaby

nvm.. the NTR tag it was bullshit, vanilla and averange hentai fans rejoice

11 years ago

Hey Oliver, today’s your birthday, yea? Happy birthday! Much thanks for all the decensoring, retouches, commissions, and really just everything you do here. :)

11 years ago

omg cherry pink! probably the most sweet vanilla manga in existance

11 years ago

The new picture viewer seems to give pictures ridiculously low res on my mobile(to the point that i can't read what they say)
Fix this :(

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Click the rectangle in the upper right to choose different default sizes

11 years ago

The only rectangle i can see asks me for "Identification: Login" with no other choices

Is there a "hard link" to higher resolutions?

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Anon

I don't have a mobile phone, that may be the cause, maybe you're shown something different -_-

Even the "identification" box should be invisible when you don't already have an admin cookie, wtf, could you possibly send me a screenshot ? ^^

Look, on my side : http://imgur.com/zYpPhRn

11 years ago

Getting block by AVAST.

11 years ago

boner-killer, but tear-jerker to me…. T^T
very good story, especially Cherry Pink
really recommended hentai XD

11 years ago

nice work Oliver!!!

9 years ago

Soo good!!

Thanks again Oliver-san!