Ruri Ruri – Futago No Jijou volume 1 [English, 211 pictures], by Yui Toshiki

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 18 comments

I didn't find that manga so bad, myself, the ''watch out, be careful'' warnings surprised me, looking back O_o

Take two twin sisters of highschool age, or maybe new college students, a loli-looking mother and her two husbands, and every male with an available penis in the vicinity. Yui Toshiki calls it a household shuffle — that’s the idea, precisely :lol: This could be called sick, maybe. But everything comes with a strong carefree spirit, “this is just sex”, and also with a strong sense of mutual respect, accepting without judging each person’s life choices :shock:

Sometimes I’d just go “YAY!” when *pop* a fully uncensored pic blissfully appears ^^
So, all in all, I’ll remember the effort at making a full-volume scenario, and the tons of great varied sex : I call that good dope :twisted:

My great thanks are for BlackRussian and Lusty Lady00, from The Lusty Lady Project :)

(I share more stuff by this artist, Cf. The list of Yui Toshiki’s works…)

Graphically, when we’re outside of the sex scenes, and except for the last chapters, the quality of the scans is lacking, details are eaten away (I asked Njmanga, the blame lies on the raws they were asked to work on). Well, we can’t do anything about it, we must deal with it. An example would be the manga’s cover, I replaced the version provided by the commissioner (image 001) with an image taken (and retouched by me) from another set of Japanese raws (image 000) : wow O_o

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (in testing, okay ? ^^)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(194 MB, 211 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

And, since the archive is huge, compared to the number of pictures it contains, I’m offering you, if you like, a recompressed version.
There should be no loss of quality for the naked eye, only a loss in megabytes, from 194 to 74 MB.
Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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11 years ago

Editing quality is due to the raws used 8 months ago were not ours but provided by the commission who scanned them himself, we did not use our own provided raw scans but that provided by the commission plus as well during the time of the commission there were no public raw's available except for a few scattered chapters and odd scans of chapters. So please bare in mind the raws used were not ours and provided by other source, so I had to edit differently in terms of leveling and dusting to fix the raws which made them darker but made them presentable, I hope people bare in mind the darker was effort to correct the scans. Thank you for being understanding. Please know it was a commission with raws provided which were not our scans so we had no control of the raws and quality of the scans.

11 years ago

I hope people enjoy the release and ty hentai rules for posting the tank, overall I still think the tank looks great based on the amount of time of spent working the edits and scans. Our commission was happy He was involved in every step and was happy with the end results I would not confirm done on chapters until he was satisfied and we even spoke about the raws he was still happy with the end results, in which at the end of the day the person who commissioned it if they are happy than thats all that matters, I would say this enjoy the story, enjoy the art, it was a an edit I shed tears of blood editing, I am a vanilla man, so I cried lol

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago


I wasn't trying to blame you, but when I write my descriptions I try to be fair and honest with the visitors. Since the bad image quality was likely to disappoint many of the visitors, I had to give the warning in the description, in case it could deter some people from downloading the archive.

It's an habit of mine, I hate the idea that people might download my zips and regret downloading it once they start reading. That's something I hate for myself, to be lured in by a nice description and perfect preview pics, and then regret having been lured in, eventually deleting the folder from my hard disk. So, I feel obliged to give warnings when warnings are due :)

11 years ago

I agree with your warnings we released the release for release sake, even if the raws were not ours we felt it needed to be released just to avoid people spending time and money in commissioning such a release, plus all the editing hours and tl time spent needed to be shared even if the raws her not HQ. I am not an ntr fan and I shed tears of blood each chapter i edited, so many times my motivation to edit the release reached levels of me avoiding the chapter to the point I would argue due to lack of motivation

11 years ago

Really good work here :)

And I'd like to remind french people that they can find this manga (as well as some others), fully uncensored, in their bookstore since it's licensed by Taifu :

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Kramoule

Wooot !

Merci :)

11 years ago

Looks like pages 046 and 048 are the same in the gallery and the depositfiles zip file.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  burpus

I guess the original archive was like that ^^

Thanks for mentioning it Burpus :)

11 years ago

We noticed it after the fact just delete the double which is 48

11 years ago
Reply to  burpus

To anyone who gets the double page just change page 48 to 46 and delete the old 46, its our fault on the lusty lady side didnt realize when packing I left the double in there, just change 48 to 46 and delete old 46

11 years ago

yeah, can you fix the double please!

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  TNV

Delete, repack, reupload, fix the links ?

For one image ?

When this is not my own screwing up ?

Considering it would take a lot of time ?

No, sorry, I'll let you do that yourselves. « Aint' nobody got time for dat » :-/

11 years ago

Just remove p.48 from your zips and it's fine, nothing to add or replace.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Anony-mouse


11 years ago

Did not see this. I looked thrice. (wink)

translated by: LustyLady00

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  2Hip

Hey, thanks ! I didn't notice I had forgotten to write the credits -_-

11 years ago

At first i'd like to thank Oliver for posting another great manga. And another BIG THANKS to the translators for their hard work. This work is one of the really rare manga that sticks out from other mangas (imho).

Is there a volume 2 and is ist already translated?

Greetings from Germany

11 years ago

how the hell did i missed this?

thanks again for the work BlackRussian and Lusty Lady00, from The Lusty Lady Project and Oliver!!!