Pack Of Two Works by Shiomaneki [English]
I gathered here two works by Shiomaneki, they’re not the kind that I usually adore, but they might please other audiences, I imagine. Graphically, they’re good without being exceptional. We’re shown a MILF putting on a shota-guy fake cat ears and taking his cherry, followed by a young (highschool age) and thin ojou-sama playing soft femdom. Me : meh.
Personal note : on the other hand, disregarding my “meh”, something I fail to comprehend : my wife, who saw me prepare my shares, liked a lot the neko-boy story. Go figure each person’s tastes
These two works are :
– I Love the Cat Next Door
– Nozomi’s Toy
Credits are for Psyburn21 (from Funeral Of Smiles) with Biribiri, and Cgrascal, thank you !
By Shiomaneki, I also share Amanee (210 pictures), the great Toppatsusei Inkou Shoukougun (158 pictures, commissioned and decensored by yours truly), Kouzen Waisetsu Kanojo (181 pictures, Uncensored), and there’s also Desperate Neighbour, Otoshiana, Makinami Mari, Hanmen Kateikyoushi – The Tutor, Wwife, Drunk Love and The Power Of Swimsuits.
Complete pictures galleries :
I Love the Cat Next Door – Nozomi’s Toy
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(28 MB, 36 pictures, English)
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Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
THAT DARN CAT ….. setting up his master ….. LIKE A BOSS! B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B)
Page 18 of "I Love the Cat Next Door"
(I think the science books call it) a "Pavlovian reaction".
Just for info, Oliver:
– Public Training is Kouzen Waisetsu Kanojo chapter 1
– Dr. Gal is Kouzen Waisetsu Kanojo chapter 7
So essentially you have chapters 1-3+7 available.
Chapter 9, Caged Woman, was also translated (around october/november last year), but it's an adulterous story so… up to you.
anyone else in Canada having trouble using I realize US access is shut down does that also mean Canadians are effected to?
The hell are you talking about? The US isn't banned from I was just uploading stuff on a minute ago.
damn then I guess damn site was wrong that I saw. still seems odd though everytime I try downloading from there I end up having a problem probably should reset my system soon then if this is occurring.
[Shiomaneki] Kouzen Waisetsu Kanojo (Ch.1-3, 7, 9)
Hi Oliver
There is already a translated complete version of volume 12 of Nozoki Ana by Japanzai group at