Shuuchi Nikurin [English, 199 pictures], by Sawada Daisuke

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments
Yeah, I've considered it again, and I think it's the carefree happy enthusiam that made me love this despite the poor drawings ^^

This manga is hard to summarize ^^ Each chapter’s a single story, with a very simple setup, a hot plump woman with strong sexual urges finds men and has sex with them. There’s only one story that went a tiny bit further scenario-wise, the two-page ganguro story, and it didn’t fetch much farther ^^

It’s happy sex with (surprisingly) mutual respect. And, graphically, my brains could explode before I could find how to explain it, and why I like it despite the artist’s royal scorn for anatomically correct body proportions (the enthusiam seeping through every panel, maybe). Very hot faces. Plump to fat hips, large breasts, damn ugly male partners, multiple penetrations… Argh !

No, really, I’ll have to give up on finding a proper description, I’ll settle with the conclusion that it felt good to read it ^^
This manga comes from the combined work of DragonEmperor, Wr4st3r and Slobber, Saha and StefanPL, Chocolate Scans’ ACF and BluMeino with Barrett294. Thank you very much, to all of these kind persons ! :)

By the same artist, I also share Tennen Koubo (222 pictures), Boinzuma (213 pictures), Mamagoto (214 pictures) and Young Wife’s Secret.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (in testing, okay ? ^^)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(158 MB, 199 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
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11 years ago

Love this guy's artwork, can't stand that nearly everything he does involves one busty chick, and about 20 dicks and a few gallons of jizz.

Think i'll pass.

11 years ago

Thanks for all your shares as always! I do want to say that the download links for Mamagoto are all dead.

11 years ago

Awesome. Many thanx Oliver.

11 years ago

another Milf artists!

thanks to DragonEmperor, Wr4st3r and Slobber, Saha and StefanPL, Chocolate Scans’ ACF and BluMeino with Barrett294

and Oliver of course!!