Hey developers ! I’ve got a suggestion for you guys, a handy wordpress plugin that would be cool ;)
Hello everyone !
I know there are coders with Wordpress experience around here, could I humbly make a suggestion, in case someone is interested ?
(UPDATED with a photoshoppping of what that idea could look like)
I noticed something wordress BADLY needs : a feature to EASILY make cross-category searches.
I mean : to be able to search for a keyword only belonging to the categories of our choice.
Do you see the idea ? You search for “Gunma Kisaragi”, but only in the “Complete Hentai Mangas” AND “Incest” categories, for instance.
That way, you filter out all the posts in which I’m announcing “woot, my Gunma Kisaragi total pack is updated !” (they belong to the “Just talking” category), as well as the Gunma shares without incest.
You’re presented with much, much less results, and you’re only shown the results you really need.
I was stunned to see this feature does NOT exist by default in Wordpress and, worse, it is NOT provided by ANY wordpress plugin to this day O_o
The best I could see was widgets to limit our search to one category only. No way to have a blog page (that’s what I dream of) in which there’d be a list of the blog’s categories with radio boxes in front of them, and below, a form where we could type our keyword.
So… well, the suggestion is in the air
That’s not something I need at all costs, but I feel that hundreds of thousands of wordpress blogs would become better websites if they had that feature, hentairules.net included
Look, I photoshopped an idea of what it could look like (it’s not HTML, pure photoshopping of elements found here and there ^^)
open google and search "wordpress search in multi category"
example: http://www.mogmachine.com/wordpress-search-by-mul… http://wordpress.org/support/topic/multiple-categ… http://www.webstutorial.com/wordpress-multiple-ca…
Came right up as the first result when Googling "wordpress search by category", Oliver. >_>
Further results lead to http://wordpress.org/plugins/search-everything/ (seems more useful IMO, and has a lot more people saying it works.)
Nope, I tested again on a test blog, and they do NOT allow to make what I'm suggesting.
I thought "hey, let's make it visual", it should be more self-explanative now : http://hentairules.net/gal/_2013/advanced-search….
<img src=http://hentairules.net/gal/_2013/advanced-search.jpg>
http://wordpress.org/plugins/relevanssi/ What about this? It says it does it on the list of features on the main site (and it has a premium version with MOAR features too)
it already exists.
you need to look for a search server. what you’re describing is not really that doable with mysql.
search for “solr”, “lucene”, “sphinx” or “elasticsearch”.
^Apparently this works, Oliver.
If you don't understand what the above link did, it limited the search "yandere" to ONLY h-audio posts.
Yeah, and it's possible to have hentairules.net/date/category_name+other_category_name followed by a ?s= to make a search.
But then… pluginize it, lol ^^
Well, that seems like it wouldn't be that difficult to make :V When something is toggled, it gets added to the URL D: