Touhou hentai doujin [English] with a SUPER DUPER ÜBER long title : Komachi-san No Yawarakakute Kimochi Ii Tokoro de Kuchukuchu Panpan Suru Hanashi, by Night Fuckers
Here be no scenario, only the Touhou heroine, Komachi, having good happy sex with mutual liking, so, basically, as long as the drawings are to your taste : please, enjoy !
This new nice share comes from a pair of guys I like a lot already, Desu and Donkey_Kong, thank you !
By the same artist, known as Mitsugi or, more often, as Night Fuckers, I also share Delivery, Water Lily 1-4, Kyou no Yuel, Itsumo No Yuel, Itte Hoshii No and Komachi-san No Eroi Tokoro Ni Yagai De Chuchhu Suru Hanashi.
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