Amenochi Shizuku [English, Uncensored version!], by Hyocorou
Family issues separate two youngsters who used to be fiancé and fiancée, but their love is stronger. I’ll cut you the scenario details, basically, it’s cute happy sex with love, with a dose of drama because of stupid families, and love prevails, okay? ^^
Graphically, this is VERY good, Hyocorou has a real talent to convey emotions, arousals, and love. This time his drawing style got more polished, less creative, less anarchic than in the past, it’s not a bad change Sometimes, the heroine reminded me a bit of the artist Zero No Mono…
Another good thing is the manga’s length. When, following my hentai habits, I thought «And so, it’s done. Good stuff. I had the porn, the feelings, the WAFF, I enjoyed my ride», something wonderful happened! I realize I was only halfway! And following this, was an unstoppable flood of excellent – even better! – sex, with many declarations and confirmations of love! AWWWW!! =)
A gigaton of thanks are for my dear LWB folks, this time Vaako Benihime, Dakka Dakka, KirbyDances, Mumei and Altereggo, sugoi!
–Updated, on March 19th, 2021: the manga is now UNCENSORED, by Tasiam, from Campfire Scans, thank you!
For MORE, cf. The list of Hyocorou’s shares on HentaiRules!
Oh, I was forgetting to mention. I ran a light retouching on the images, cf. the pictures gallery, the last 2 images are a before/after comparison.
And now, the download & gallery links
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(20 MB, 37 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
"HNNNGGG !!!!! to the max. ^_^
My erection cannot go limp fast enough when I see female characters with a short fringe haircut, that's just a silly hairdo imo lol.
Didn’t know you could mix cinnamon with vanilla.