Precure hentai doujinshi [English] : Inazuma Marchen World, by Digital Accel Works
« I shall enjoy my mating season to its fullest, for Justice ! »
– errrr ? ^^;;
This whole Precure parody is full to the brim with humorous lines (with every new page, I would first read the dialogues before enjoying the drawings ) and awesome hardcore sex, RHA FUCK YEAH, it feels good to read some Digital Accel Works hentai ! ^_^
Would you know who’s to thank for this nice release ?
This came as a high res release, 105 MB large for 46 pictures, that looked excessive to me. So, I decided to offer you an additional shrunk version, the images downsized to “only” the standard 1600 px. The zip’s size fell from 105 MB to 12 MB
(For MUCH more stuff, Cf. The list of ALL my Digital Accel Works shares)
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (in testing, okay ? ^^)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(105 MB, 46 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
And, as I wrote above, if you like I’m also offering you a “normal resolution version”, with the pics “only” 1600 pixels high. On my monitor, I prefer it very much for reading, it also takes less space on the hard disk (from 105 to 12 MB, for fuck’s sake !!), and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
link don't work
… still waiting for the 1600 pixels version.