Depositfiles account owners ? I’ve got a few links for you ;)
In order to help Kuzko, a very kind person who helped me a lot (for a while, I hoped he’d magically manage to fix my blog tags system ^^;;), I painfully managed to eventually export a list of all the Depositfiles download links present in the totality of the blog posts of
This list can be found HERE
(7215 links, for fuck’s sake, lol ^^;;)
I don’t think the list will interest many people, of course.
And, anyway, a lot of the links are dead.
Or obsolete.
Or contain stuff you don’t like.
But, still, the internet is large, I’m sure there will be other people who may also want to use this list to easily populate a hard disk, after feeding the list of links to a download manager ^^
So, here’s the list, do whatever you want with it
If that’s the trigger pushing someone to register to depositfiles and buy a DF account, depositfiles gives me this coupon (if only they didn’t change the coupon code every two months, why even do that -_-), it offers you a 10% discount on 6-months and 1-year premium accounts : r2835bnvnkhbd43zxo9c1eyjtoiykdw5
I'll quote Kuzko, from here :… , he just got the link :
OK, I think he liked it, good, good ^^
so the tag problem, has it been solved?
Sadly, no.
The new version is broken and we're still stuck with the current, bugged but working, alpha version. The new version goes full jquery without comments and is undecipherable. Even adding something like autocomplete is beyond salvation unless building from alpha again. Sob.
This would make for an excellent guessing game.
Im going to guess 5600 live links.
18 GB total.
But before I go confirm my guess out, I will need to open this file in notepad++…
1. Open the find/replace dialog
2. Choose Regular expressions
3. Find: "^"
4: Replace: "http://"
and now I have a bajillion links to load into my download manager and ruin my internet.
i am sorry that our communication broke down…
I know this sounds ridiculous, but do you think you can make a batch torrent for everything?
…I don't think that worked correctly, Oliver. I noticed some things such as "". Which I'm almost positive was my temporary link until the link finally uploaded… which was before I even published the article.
And searching for it gives literally no results, so…