Galaxy Songstress Leaked Film [English], a Macross Frontier hentai doujinshi by Jamming

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on No comments
Sheryl, the Macross Frontier heroine, does a titfuck for an adult AV movie

Sheryl, from Macross Frontier, has to shoot an AV video to cover her studio’s debt.

And, after oral, vaginal, DP, paizuri, she still likes every second of it. Period, don’t forget to buy new handkerchiefs :D Yeah, fap’n’go happy sex hentai can really lack any complication, it’s relaxing ^^

Well, this is some Jamming, so having happy no-worries sex, without sick shit like rape, it’s already an achievement. Graphically, same as usual, this unique way to draw faces, the intensity in the eyes of the women when they’re aroused or in trance from having sex, the big breasts, the large pussies ^^
This release comes from Tigoris Translates and Anonymous Scanner, thank you very much :)

For MORE, cf. The List of ALL Jamming’s Works on HentaiRules

A last note, you may find the cover is weird, it was my doing. The actual “cover” is the following picture in pale shades of mauve with the grainy relief of the paper canvas still showing, I tried to make it more “standard”, but I don’t feel I made a perfect job, sorry about that.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(31 MB – yeah, the pictures are in high res ^^ -, 21 pictures, English)

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