Pack of 5 works by the hentai artist Cyclone [English, 157 pictures]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

A blonde magical girl fucked from behind, vaginally, with very little censorship

I must warn you, the contents of this pack are depressing, they deal with hentai rape all along. And yet, man, isn’t this a pity, the art is AWESOME. Thanks to Doujin-Moe for commissioning them !
In the past I refrained from sharing works by Cyclone because it was very hard rape + mindbreak with average art and massive censorship, however, lately, following the trend I saw in 767B, my other share by Cyclone, the art has only gotten better while the censorship became almost invisible and rape has gotten, so to say, softer O_o

These works apparently all Pretty Cure parodies, are :
– T-05 SuiSui 2,
– T-08 Shin Shin,
– T-09 KuRuuuu,
– T-10 Shin Shin 2 Bad,
– T-12 Koooi Kishi
Update: Koooi Kishi is now, additionally, part of a full-volume compilation, called 1004N+ Cyclone No Shoushuuhen.

This totalled to 182 MB, which I found damn huge, so I also offer you a slightly shrunk and recompressed version, only amounting to 55 MB, if you prefer :)

By the same artist, I also share 1006 Nano – Cyclone No Soushuuhen (a compilation of several works under one volume, namely: Fei Tas, Kukkoro, Marunomi, Nanoism, Fuokkin, Bonbon), 1004N+ Cyclone No Shoushuuhen (a compilation of several works under one volume, namely: Hayaten, Hayaten After Days, Hayaten 2nd After Days, Waoooon, Situation Note c80, Koooi Kishi, 1004N+), T-29 SenJoTeki, T-32 Hooollow + Hooollow 1.05, and 767 B.

Complete Pictures Galleries :
T-05 SuiSui 2T-08 Shin ShinT-09 KuRuuuu
T-10 Shin Shin 2 BadT-12 Koooi Kishi

Download the Free Hentai Mangas in a Zip file
(183 MB, 157 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2


And, as I wrote above, if you like I’m also offering you a “normal resolution version”, with the pics “only” 1600 pixels high. Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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11 years ago

AWESOME!!! Was hoping you’d release them one day. I know you’re not into their theme but I really hope you gt over it and release more such stuff. The Jean Darc doujins by CYCLONE are pure gold too!

Now may I request also the Ranma doujins by jinmu hirohito in the Mou Ii Desu? They easily are doujuins not to be missed out especially art wise.