Oh boy, that was confusing. End of a long story : Do Esper Masami, Chiteki Koukishin, that’s now COMPLETE, all of its chapters, it’s DONE, end of the long story
I feel like I’ve spent my hole day updating Chiteki Koukishin, first the chapters 1-4+7 that I found when I came back from holidays, then I noticed the chapter 5 already existed as a single release, So I add and share it with the chapters 1-4+7 since it was the chapter 5 actually, and then the last missing chapter, #6, was released as Sex Detectives with huge props to Sin Of Seto who told me about it…
Spare me, my brain was gonna explode >_<
So let’s spare you the headaches :
End of the long story, with what I shared now, the manga is at last COMPLETE, that’s it, in real English, end of the endless updates regarding this manga.
Hi Oliver
I'm confused.
Shouldn't there be links on this page?
I'm using Win7 + FF23.
Well, Lehnerus, it's just here, the post next to it ^^ http://www.hentairules.net/2013/08/07/chiteki-kou…
I updated my post with an hyperlink, to prevent more confusion.
hi! the last page is not yet translated it seems….
I'm still confused.
Thanks for the link (and the upload).