Prisoner [English], by Shinogi A-Suke

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 10 comments

Oh, that double penetration. Oh boy. OH BOY !

Shinogi A-Suke has specialized in simple happy sex stories, so please heed my warning, Prisoner (kindly brought to us by Flammz and Desu, thank you !!) is a very dark story. It ends up with a resolutely positive note, bearing hope and promise of a better future (bam! spoiled!), yeah, yeah. But, still, three pages don’t change the mood in a 71-pages long story :shock:

In short, the heroine’s father sells her sexual services for money. The scumbag villagers and customers never see what’s wrong. My own opinion about this village : BURN THAT FUCKING PLACE TO THE GROUND !! MAKE IT A GOOD DAY, MAKE IT A NAPALM DAY !! :gfy:
The girl displays real courage, not breaking down, looking up, facing every new day, not even murdering these motherfuckers in their sleep with a rusty blade, grrr, occasionally having sex with “real” men.

Graphically, though, this is golden. Such a cute face, especially her deep, beautiful eyes… Almost invisible censorship, detailed drawings, lots of sex (vaginal and oral, rare anal/DP), it struck me. So… Will you love it ? It’s up to you…

By the same artist, I also share Iinchou No Koibito (“Chairman’s Lover”) + the bonus sort-of prequel Iinchou No Aisatsu (“Chairman’s Introduction”) (237 pictures), Boku Joshikou Ni Nyuugaku Shimashita, Yuugen Onsen Kidan + Yuugen Futsuma Kidan, Ni No JijyouSister Play chapter 1The Secret Garden and Unfitting Puzzle (Uncensored version).

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(39 MB, 71 pictures, English)

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11 years ago

Man sometimes reading hentai manga is like someone putting $500 in a jar filled with sharp, jagged, rusty razor blades. It's $500, but look what you have to go through to get it.

The girl reminds me of that cat everyone sees in the neighborhood. People leave out scraps for it, but no one really wants to bother with taking the cat in and caring for it.

Thanks for an interesting, yet painful to fap to post, and Oliver, switch to decaf.

11 years ago

Great review, oldbrokenhand. agree with everything.

11 years ago

Burn Dogville! This'll teach ya to build your town out of balsa wood and voids! Burn it all!
(Sorry, Greg the Bunny)

11 years ago

I have the saddest boner…

11 years ago

I like this guy's artwork, but can't stomach stories like this. The shamelessness of practically all the male characters, and how she willingly did it "for her father". Then on a whim she changes her attitude when her father is in the hospital bed. I was kind of suprised at that.

The biggest thing i'm interested in though, is who she was going to see in the last chapter. It's probably never gonna have an after story to quench people's interests in it. I assume she was going back with the lad from the first chapter, the spineless little faggot who screwed her then ran and never looked back.

The ending was rather pathetic after all that she went through tbh.

Art 8/10
Plot -9001/10.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  Valcoran


9 years ago
Reply to  Valcoran

Critical realism, probably./

11 years ago

I…. well, I tried. But 3 pages of a band-aid payoff, for swimming through a sewer… nope, can't do it. Thanks Oliver for the sharing, but I'll pass on this one.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  widowchaser

"3 pages of a band-aid payoff, for swimming through a sewer"
– Nice one :D

Kurzwaltz Messer
Kurzwaltz Messer
11 years ago

This is way beyond baseball bat. Even a field of spiked baseball bats (a la Unlimited Blade Works) won't be enough for this. GRRR

On the other hand, I love the smell of napalm in the morning. :D