Holy Infinite [English], an Hataraku Maou-sama hentai doujinshi, by Kaiki Nisshoku (Also Known As Naoto Ayano)
This goes against my habit, I found the plot of Hataraku Maou-sama, as described by wikipedia, to be rather interesting. To keep it short, here, two supposedly archenemies come to be forced to coexist, bonds are created, and the hentai fiction kicks in, sex’s got to happen.
This is happy sex with reluctant mutual respect (not tsundere, but close enough ^^), with oral and anal sex. And, Jebus, the blowjob face on the bottom of page 12, it was, HNNNNNG, awesome
My thanks, for this nice one, are for Rookie84
By the same artist, I also share Teitoku Manual 1-2, Teitoku Manual volumes 3-4, Eiyuu Shigan, Rider Or Die 1-8, Momoiro Toiki, Brittania No Hito, Ponytail no Kanojo + Tsuruya Sutairu, Villetta Sensei Ni Moeru Hon and Oscilloscope.
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hi there! have you tried watching the anime? i suggest you do.. it's really hilarious!
I do too… It's a relly really hilarius one… Mau and Emi… I like that couple
this is quite rare… hopefully this one is the better ones
Many thanx Oliver.