Princess Training [English], by Okumoto Yuuta

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment
I tell you, all those creampies are to convince Japanese youngsters that creampies for real are good, so START MAKING BABIES FFS !

Today’s simple stuff, which is perfect : I’ve had a long day :D
Here is Princess Training, displaying yet another falsely oblivious ojou-sama. She picked a tall muscular man as her personal trainer, and in no time she’s got him hard and, well, the usual happens.

Graphically, the girl is nice, but the whiteout censorship goes full-overkill. If it weren’t for the arousal factor of 2 sizes too small sports clothes on a good body like that, I might have given up on the share :roll:

I’ve discovered something, by the way. This is not new, only that I never noticed it before : in the hentai universe, clothes are automatically shrinking proportionally to women’s arousal level. Fascinating :D – Oh, and thanks to Cgrascal for this release :)

By the same artist, I also share Koizome Marking (246 pictures), ChichiKoi (224 pictures), Wakaranai Yo Kurogawa-san, Onee-chan No Oshigoto, Lesson For Me, Horoyoi Cherry-Pick, Double Lesson, Dual Shock, Fortune Lovers, Sweet March and Moody Home Teacher.

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(12 MB, 16 pictures, English)

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11 years ago

"In the hentai universe, clothes are automatically shrinking proportionally to women’s arousal level."

In the words of (Mr.) Spock: "Fascinating."