The March Rabbits Of An After School chapters 1-2 [English], by Narusawa Kei

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments
Tags: happy sex
Some day I'll try to convince my wife to dress up as a bunny girl. In the name of science. Yeah.

Soooo, well… A certain campus has an after-school club in which the girls dress as bunny-girls and have (with mutual care and respect) sex with lots of men. Happy sex, cute bunny outfits, cute girls who’re soft and delicate but won’t deny being all horny on the inside…

Let’s dish away common sense and unzip, shall we ? I see no other sane reaction, lol ^^;;

Thanks to Kameden for that one =)
(And would someone know if there are other chapters around, or is this an in-progress serialization ? I couldn’t find the info…)

Update: the third chapter has been translated and is available here :)

By Narusawa Kei, to this day, I also share Anemone Star Mine 1-4, Ero-Koi in its Uncensored version, the sequel of the present share although it’s called differently: Houkago No Sangatsu Usagi-tachi chapter 3 (this is the sequel to the present share!), Tsuyo Kano, Changing Miracle, Sis Lover, Head Shot Bakery, Hanabi Yori Dango, Kumagiri-san Wa Dere Nai chapter 1 and, in its uncensored version, Kare Kano Boshuu Chuu (“Relationships Wanted”).

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11 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

11 years ago

I dunno… a little too much of the 'business' feel to it. Kinda like prostitution. Thanks for the share, Oliver.