Honey Kiss [English], by Shiki Takuto
I didn’t see it coming, it did NOT turn to yandere. This is only about a stupid spoiled sister stealing her brother from his girlfriend (and, incidentally, having lots of sex with him), until the irresolute bro gives up and opts for the easiest pussy (give him five years and he’ll be yet another japanese “herbivore”, meh).
I suspect you might have discovered I didn’t like the story. And it’s a pity, the drawings were nice, I’d have loved not to hate the sister :-/
Well, to each his own, right ? Nonetheless, thanks to Lusty Lady and BlackRussian, from The Lusty Lady Project for this release !
By the same artist, I also share Gal Tomo Harem (217 pictures, awesome), Sakuramiya Shimai No Netorare (187 pictures), IF – The Puppy Story, IF – The School Story and Namaiki JK Onsen Ryokou 2-haku 3-kka.
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(12 MB, 20 pictures, English)
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Some of us cannot abide by magnificent artwork alone :@.
Well said. Tough to like the Brother OR the Sister in this…