Pack of two hentai doujinshi parodiating Kantai Collection, by the artists Marugoshi and Sweet Avenue
I don’t know for you, I had never heard about Kantai Collection (AKA KanColle) before. And, quite against my habits when I share hentai parodiating something (Fate Stay Night ? Meh. #Random trending anime ? Meh. Video games ? Meh, never enough time. Etc…) , that’s something I’d have loved to try… if I had been a japanese that is, sadly
Well, back to the pr0n side of life, I gathered here two pleasant Kantai Collection doujinshi, because (a) they’re cute and could provide you guys pleasant zero-brainer fap materials, and (b) I’m always in awe with Japan’s genius at eventually pornifying anything with absolute ease
These two doujinshi are :
– Kin Kore, by Marugoshi
– Sweet Collection, by Sweet Avenue
Enjoy the parodies if that’s to your taste, and thanks a lot to Zeroblade, Merun, Anonymous T and Dastardlylemn, from PlanetHima !
By Marugoshi, I also share Sakuya-san O Sukikatte Ni Dekiru Ken.
Picture galleries :
Kin Kore – Sweet Collection
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(40 MB, 50 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
While it's currently only a game, an anime is starting next year. So if you wanna watch a bunch of girls who are apparently WW2 battleships with big tits fight each other, it's only a couple months away…
Expect 9000+ djs during the next two Comikets tho.
Think of it as Strike Witches except replace the planes with the Imperial Japanese Naval Fleet. Actually, now that I think about it, it’s basically Arpeggio Of Blue Steel in a different format.
Nice. Many thanx Oliver.
Now we got a new hype, which is nice
Touhou and KanColle? Why not? Nice job Japan 'w')b