Redirection Page : Mizuryu Kei / Alice No Takarabako’s (ありすの宝箱) Works on HentaiRules
Two words : cheap sluts.
Four words: But not braindead sluts.
This, my dear fellow pervs, is Alice No Takarabako’s forte, his specialty, the reason this artist is both hated and adulated. Every heroine drawn by this artist, be she an original creation or the parody of an existing game/anime/manga character, looks close to being clinically brain-dead, playing the bad girl, wearing slutty clothes, only living to enjoy dicks, as many dicks as possible, no matter who they belong to. With rare exceptions, his scenarios are moot, it’s all about the intense sex and ahegaos.
And yet, at times, you’ll find the girls can turn off their slut switch and resume their daily lives, they aren’t broken dolls, they’re still humans making a choice depending on their lives or schedules
To clear misunderstandings, the artist’s real name is Mizuryu Kei (“水龍敬” / “ミズリュウケイ” / “Mizuryuu”), while “Alice No Takarabako” (“アリスノタカラバコ”) is his one-man “doujin circle”.
In a way, similarly to the artist Gust, this is what I call the Mac Hentai quality : always the same thing, with only little variations, so you know what to expect in advance. If you loved it once, wait long enough, you’ll love it again the next time
First, here is the list of the covers. Scroll below and you’ll have the detailed list.
That was a long list, eh ? And now, here comes the actual list of all my shares
Welcome To Mizuryu Kei Land, The First Day [English]
Welcome To Mizuryu Kei Land, The Second Day [English]
Welcome To Mizuryu Kei Land, The Third Day [English]
Oideyo Mizuryu Kei land 1.5 Goudoubon + Oideyo Mizuryu Kei Land 3.5 Bangaihen [English]
Oideyo Mizuryu Kei Land 4 [English]
Oideyo Mizuryu Kei land 5 [English]
Oideyo Mizuryu Kei land The 6th Day + The 6.5 Bangaihen [English]
Oideyo Mizuryu Kei land The 7th Day
Teisou kannen Zero [English, 278 pictures]
Teisou Kannen Zero No Onna Tomodachi [English]
Teisou Kannen Zero No Onna Tomodachi No Haha [English]
Pack of two works [English], composed of:
– Promphoto
– Souma Kurumi no Idenshi – Kurumi’s Gene
Souma Taxi + Souma Ikka No Halloween [English]
Yeah, it’s a pack of two works
Naomi Kaede Wa Majime De Sukebe [English]
Touhou Gensou Houkai 1-3 [English]
DQ Ero Dance [English]
This share also contains other works (it’s a repack) but those two others are now obsolete, available elsewhere too. They are (1) MC High Fourth Period (Uncensored version), also available there, and (2) Touhou Gensou Houkai 1 (made obsolete by this.)
Two short translated full-color works :
– Faithfuck Sexdriver
– Chinju No Yaotome
Hello All You Female Idols We’re Your New Sex Trainers [English]
(THE iDOLM@STER hentai doujinshi)
The Animalmaster Ryuuguu Komachi [English]
(THE iDOLM@STER hentai doujinshi)
NTR Manaka + NTR Nene + NTR Rinko Plus [English]
(Love Plus hentai doujinshi)
Futanari Tenshi No Rakuen – Her mafroid [English]
Mercury Shadow 1-2 [English] (Sailor Moon hentai doujinshi)
Note: Volume 1 is uncensored.
Mars Volta Mercury Shadow 3 [English]
(Sailor Moon hentai doujinshi)
Mercury Shadow volumes 4 and 5 [English]
(Sailor Moon hentai doujinshi)
A 5-works English pack, made of :
– Follow The Hollow As We Speak
– Heavenly Bride
– Kogal Gensoukyo
– MC High Fourth Period : High Colour Edition (Uncensored version)
I made a screwup and shared this MC High Vol 4 in two posts, here, and there.
– Sailor Bitch (full color)
– A pack of 2 works [English], made of :
– Greek Night
– MC High Fith Period (under the “MC Gakuen Go Jigenme” title)
An English pack, made of :
– – Maria-sama Prostitution 1-4
– MC High Yojigenme (what the hell is Yojigenme, would it be the volume 5 of the MC High series ?)
A 12-works English pack, made of :
– Haru Hina
– Kokokara Fuzoku Date
Kyou Kara Fuuzoku Debut
– Maria-sama Ga Miteru Baishun 1
– Maria-sama Ga Miteru Baishun 3
– Moral Crisis
– The Animal Master Volumes 1-2-3-4-5-6
Maria-sama Ga Miteru Baishun 6 [English]
(Maria-sama ga Miteru hentai doujinshi)
MC High Sixth Period [English]
Halloween Night Bitch [English]
(Maria-sama ga Miteru hentai CG set)
Colorized + Grayscale version of
Tonari No Rina-San [English]
Maria-sama Ga Miteru Baishun volume 7 [English]
Special repack: Maria-Sama Ga Miteru Baishun volumes 1-7 [English]
I spent a painful lot of time on this repack, and not only because I managed to corrupt the images table of my galleries system with an upload broken halfway.
What’s new in this pack, today in september 2015, besides the volumes I was already sharing separately in the past, is: the volumes 1 and 3 have seen their contents replaced with a much superior quality version compared to the previous volume releases, while the volume 2 simply never existed in English as a single volume, and, lastly, I wasn’t sharing yet the volume 5 on Hentairules.
Juvenile Pornography [English]
Ruitomo (“Friends With Similar Interests”) [English]
Seiyoku Ni Shoujiki Sugiru Shota Yuusha [English]
Yumenosaki Gakuin No Tenkousei-chan Ga Idol No Tamago O Kuiarashiteru Tte Hontou Desu Ka!? [English]
Hakuai Seishin (“Benevolent Saint”) [English]
Kakutou Musume Yarimoku Goukon [English]
(“Casual Sex Party With Fighting Game Gals”)
Didn't I say to just make the top, not publish it and I'd do everything else? :<
I had spare time yesterday
Oliver, think you can make a repack of all these?
No can do. Half of my uploads by this artist are already outdated (got a continuation or a decensoring), or present in a more recent repack containing better/more, etc… So I can't just go to my server and "zip Alice_No_*", I'd have to do it all manually, from scratch. Which is just too much for me to handle ^^;
just to let you know, A 3-works English pack is listed twice (the one with the maria doujins) goes to the wrong link, it should go to…
Took me a while to see what you meant, but now it's okay. Thank you Sean