Colorful Lala [English, Full Color], a To Love Ru hentai doujinshi, by Tora Machine

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

Lala, from To Love Ru, having sex, and with a proactive Rito ? This is fiction within fiction ? HENTAICEPTION !

In the “real” To Love Ru and its sequel, To Love Ru Darkness, the male hero, Rito, is unable to do something by himself, the girls are always taking the lead, while the supposedly main heroine, Lala, the most gorgeous girl of the harem, is oblivious to her actual sexual nature. Here, this is fiction of a fiction, since Rito is proactive, and lala knows about sex and wants more of it.
Damn, I’m taking that fiction as it is, I SO FUCKING APPROVE ! Why can’t that happen in the real manga too ?!? :D

Enough said. Full-color bikini hentai on the beach, with decent (I won’t say excellent) drawings, I hope it may be to your taste :)
And thanks to Doujin-Moe’s Raikoh for the scanlation !

By the same artist, I also share Mezase Rakuen Keikaku 1Mezase! Rakuen Keikaku vol. 5, Trouble Teachers, Trouble Teachers Volume 5, Trans H, Bathroom With Momo, Kindan No Mikan vol 2 and That’s Not The Level Of Indecency.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(48 MB, 29 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

This volume came in high and HUGE resolution, so, if you like, I’m also offering you a “normal resolution version”, with the pics shrunk to standard 1600 pixels high. Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space (from 48 MB to 8 MB, six times smaller :twisted: ), and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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11 years ago

Rito grew some balls and actually used them for a change. Lala has always been dere-dere so I think this would happen if he would only wake up in the manga.

Oliver, I would have to disagree with Lala being the most gorgeous girl in the harem since it seems that Tearju-sensei has more or less been added.

11 years ago

According to the last few chapters Momo is actually conflicted of showing Lala what sex is like. Althought part of it is to keep Lala's innocence once she saw her actions with Rito after learning about kissing Momo believes that Lala's natural impish nature would actually make her… well better check for yourself:

11 years ago
Reply to  Charles

Sorry about the link. the right one is this:

11 years ago
Reply to  Charles

Actually, Charles, BOTH links were quite illuminating! Thanks for the info. And Oliver, as always, thanks for this wonderful share!

11 years ago

I really appreciate the repackaged shrunken shares! Thank you for them!