Fortune Lovers [English], by Okumoto Yuuta

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments
Tags: happy sex, WAFF

That God Damniiiit!!! page really cracked me up, and then, hop! Porn!

A superb super busty brand new female fortune teller coming from out of nowhere and perfectly knowing the boy visiting her for guidance after he just found a card with her name in his mailbox, resembling his school female friend… Hey, we’ve got a new candidate for the Captain Oblivious job ! :D

Well, that’s it, happy sex with love. The censorship is ridiculously huge (I have proof hentai editors don’t belong to a Christian religion : they’d know they’re destined to end in Hell), but the story is full of WAFF and of breasts, that kinda makes up for it ^^
Thanks a lot to ACF and Blu Meino, from Chocolate Scans ! :)

By the same artist, I also share Koizome Marking (246 pictures), ChichiKoi (224 pictures), Wakaranai Yo Kurogawa-san, Onee-chan No Oshigoto, Lesson For Me, Princess Training, Horoyoi Cherry-Pick, Double Lesson, Dual Shock, Sweet March and Moody Home Teacher.

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(17 MB, 17 pictures, English)

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11 years ago

DAT BODY!!!! I loved the little twist in this. I think I would remember someone like that from school.

I agree with the censorship gripe, It took away way too much in this one.

11 years ago

WMD's a.k.a. Weapons of Mass Distraction :p

11 years ago

If fortune tellers are supposed to be Gypsies, then why is this girl wearing bellydancer clothes? Not that I mind, mind you…

Also, not recognizing her because he's distracted by her boobs is totally legit.

10 years ago

could you make a pack with all english translated scans by Okumoto Yuuta?